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Stale pre-tender

Delivery Vehicle 4 Asset Delivery Partners



6,300,000,000 GBP


Scottish Water is seeking to appoint suitably experienced civils infrastructure and MEICA Asset Delivery Partners to carry out Design and Build activities as part of an Enterprise model to support the capital and operational programmes for the SR27 and SR33 regulation periods. The contract will be for a 13 year period, to commence April 2026. The estimated net value range of this procurement is £3.7bn - £6.3bn. Successful partners will get an allocated share of this work. Scottish Water's preference is for organisations interested in this to bid as single entities as opposed to consortiums or joint ventures. Interested parties who would like more information are invited to contact Scottish Water at to arrange an informal discussion during August and September, and to register attendance at a Market Day on 24th October 2024. More information on this is provided below. Lot 1: Scottish Water is looking to appoint civils infrastructure and MEICA Asset Delivery Partners to deliver our SR27 and SR33 programme of capital and operational works. Works may include new assets, renewals, modifications, maintenance, refurbishments, extensions and enhancements to existing assets. Successful bidders must be able to carry out Principal Contractor responsibilities and will be required to evidence their experience and capabilities in design and build activities for large and complex projects. The successful bidders will deliver the programme of works under an Enterprise model of delivery. This will be a bespoke contract based on the NEC4 Alliance model. For this, we require bidders who are committed to working in a collaborative and flexible way, who will support out drive for increased efficiencies and standardisation and who have the appropriate capability and resources to help us deliver our strategic ambitions of Beyond Net Zero, Service Excellence and Great Value and Financial Sustainability. Bidders will be required to have sufficient financial and economic standing to support the anticipated contract value. Financial standing relevant to the anticipated contract value will be determined by Scottish Water and financial checks deemed necessary will be conducted as art of the procurement process. A separate procurement will be launched at a similar time for a Primary Designer to also form part of the Enterprise. The procurement will be conducted under the Utilities Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2016.


Publish date

7 months ago

Buyer information

Scottish Water

Lesley McIntosh

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