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AP2411 - M&E Design Services Framework



Scape Group, on behalf of Arc Property Services Partnership Limited as seeking to set up a Framework for mechanical and electrical design work. All sites where projects will be situated will be within the the Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, South Yorkshire and Leicestershire areas. The NEC4 Framework Contract will be used to manage the supplier and client relationship. Please note: No warranty is given to the Contractor by neither SCAPE nor the Client as to the amount (if any) or nature of the service and/or work which may be required to be carried out by the Contractor during the Framework period and no claim for compensation either contractual or otherwise will be accepted in respect of any variation inthe volume of the work. A overview of the services required can be found within documents K01 of the procurement documents. Lot 1: The services will be performed in conjunction with the BG6 proforma and the RIBA stages of design. Successful Bidders must have experieince of BIM. It is anticipated that the services will be provided by the Contractor themselves and/or through their supply chain. Consortia bids will be accepted. The Framework will be in place for a period of 2 years, with the option to extend for two further periods of 1 year (2 + 1+ 1 = max 4 years) and will conclude with a maximum of 4 suppliers. The Procurement will be conducted in 2 stages: Stage 1 – Selection Stage – Bidders must meet all off the necessary selection criteria and provide answers to the questions asked. The questions will be marked by a panel and the top 7 scoring Bidders will progress on to Stage 2. Stage 2 – Award Stage – Bidders will be evaluated on their submitted prices and answers to specific quality questions in order to achieve a price/quality score. The top scoring 4 Bidders will be invited to enter the Framework. Please note: Arc Partnership reserve the right to establish communication with the awarded Contractors, prior to the Framework start date. Full details of the process can be found within the tender documents, however, this will be a 2 stage, restricted process as identified within regulation 28 of the The Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Stage 1 – Selection Criteria – This is a set of questions and criteria that must be passed in order to move on to Stage 2 of the procurement. The criteria and questions are based on the Bidders history and what they are currently doing. Written answers will be scored by an evaluation panel. Stage 2 – Award Criteria – This is a set of questions that the Bidder needs to answer based on what the Bidder will do or how they will approach works, if they get onto the framework. This will be scored by an evaluation panel. Full procurement details can be found within document K02 of the tender documents. Additional information: To respond to this opportunity please click here:


Publish date

9 months ago

Close date

8 months ago

Buyer information

Scape Group Limited (trading as SCAPE)

Robert Hunter

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