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Print and Post



950,000 GBP


Babergh District Council and Mid Suffolk District Council are inviting suppliers to tender for the provision of Print and Post across both councils, with the potential for a hybrid mail solution. As part of Babergh District Council and Mid Suffolk District Councils’ ongoing commitment to drive efficiencies across our workforces, we are seeking suppliers to support in the delivery of this service which will be split into two separate lots. Lot 1 being a standard bulk printing and post requirement and Lot 2 for our more bespoke printing requirements. We are looking to implement this service by 1st July 2025 (This could be subject to change), with an initial contract term of 36 months and an option to extend by up to a further 24 months. Further details can be found in the My Tenders area of this website, by selecting the view details button for this project. Lot 1: Print and Post-Standard Bulk Printing The Contractor will provide the required service for our standard bulk printing requirements, including various elements in relation to Babergh District Council and Mid Suffolk District Council, and may include:• annual and in-year personalised invoices.• annual and in-year personalised letters. • annual and in-year personalised forms.(This on occasions may include inserts) Lot 2: Print and Post-Bespoke Printing In addition to the standard letters and invoicing Babergh District Council & Mid Suffolk District Councils require newsletters, agenda and bespoke items, some with additional finishing requirements including comb binding or lamination.• various annual and in-year newsletters.• various in-year Council committee agendas.• personalised and ad hoc marketing materials including posters• Compilation of multiple items in ‘packages’ matched on common factors.• The option to develop e-comms methods of mail delivery and tracking


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Babergh District Council


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