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Intrusive Marine Ground Investigation and Non-Intrusive Surveys 2024 - Tipner West Regeneration



525,000 GBP


Portsmouth City Council - the 'Council' - is seeking tenders for the delivery of both marine ground investigation (GI) works and non-intrusive surveys within the channel between Tipner and Horsea Island, Portsmouth. The services are required in order to aid the progression of the Tipner West Regeneration Project. The estimated total value of the works across both packages is approx. £525,000 exclusive of VAT. Due to the differing selection criteria requirements and work methods the packages are being procured as 2 separate Lots. Contractors can bid for either or both lots. The Lots are as follows: Lot 1: Intrusive ground investigation surveys - Value estimate £450,000. Let using a single stage ICC UK Specification for Ground Investigations and associated re-measurable BOQ contract. Works to begin in April and must be complete by July 2024 or earlier if possible. Lot 2: Non-intrusive archaeological and ecology surveys. - Value range estimate of £50,000 - £75,000. Let using a NEC4 PS Short Form contract on a fixed price basis. Works must be completed by April 2024 or earlier if possible. The council is not inviting combined offers for both Lots and will award a separate to the highest scoring bidder for each Lot. The council's position is that the contracts are classified as works contracts under the Pubic Contracts Regulations (2015). The council is issuing a Contract Notice in the interests of competition and transparency. The procurement process will be run in accordance with the Open Procedure as set out within the Public Contracts Regulations (2015) although this does not alter the council's position in respect of the works falling below statutory thresholds and does not make remedies set out under the Public Contracts Regulations (2015) available to bidders. The procurement timetable for both lots is: • Issue of tender - Thursday 18th January 2024 • Site visits - Thursday 25th January at 10am and Wednesday 31st January at 1pm • Deadline for requests for clarification - Thursday 8th February 2024 @ 23:59 • Tender return - Monday 19th February 2024 @ 12:00 • Award decision notification - Friday 1st March 2024 • Voluntary standstill period ends - 2nd March 2024 - 11th March 2024 at 23:59 • Contract Award - 18th March 2024 SITE VISITS Tenderers are strongly urged to visit the site. Site visits are by appointment only for the dates specified in the table above. . The deadline for tender submission is 19th February 2024 at 12pm with notification of contract award following on 1st March 2024 via the Council's e-sourcing system InTend, which is accessible via: The system will be used to administrate the procurement process in its entirety, guidance documentation is available via the link above. Both Lots will be tendered via Intend as separate projects with their own unique project identifiers. Lot 1: Lot 1 - Intrusive Marine Ground Investigation 2024 - Tipner West Regeneration Project The GI works period is significantly constrained by bird migration and breeding patterns meaning that works may only commence from April 2024 and must be complete by July 2024. It should be noted that this works period may be subject to review and as such the Council will require flexibility from the appointed contractor in the event that these dates need to be moved forward or backwards. The ground investigation will comprise overwater investigations in the Dredged Channel area. The Works are to be undertaken predominately on the Intertidal Zone and within the existing SSSI and SPA. As such all works will therefore need to be undertaken in a highly controlled manner to avoid impacts to Marine Ecology. An MMO application for the GI Works has been submitted by WSP. The Ordnance Survey National Grid Coordinate for the centre of the Site is 463378E 103291N. SCOPE The ground investigation will comprise overwater investigations. The contractor will be responsible for determining that each exploratory hole location is safe for the temporary founding of the jack up legs and for clearing each jack up leg and exploratory hole location of the presence of any UXOs. The scope of the investigation will be as follows:  Six overwater Dynamic Sample / Rotary Cored boreholes to approximately 8 metres below bed level (m BBL) along the proposed land reclamation boundary.  Six Cone Penetration Testing (CPT) overwater to refusal with Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) clearance to 8 m bbl. Alternative methods can be proposed to clear each borehole for UXO, however CPTs would still be a preference. General The above scope will also require: • Onsite inspection and logging of samples; • In-situ testing in boreholes; • Chemical and geotechnical sampling in exploratory holes; • Laboratory geotechnical testing of soils and rock and chemical testing of soil and groundwater samples; and, • UXO survey of all overwater exploratory holes prior to intrusive works. Reports The Principal Contractor is only to prepare the specified factual part of the Ground Investigation Report. One factual report will be required and named as follows: • Tipner Dredged Channel Lot 2: Lot 2 - Non-Intrusive Marine and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Surveys 2024 - Tipner West Regeneration Project The Non-Intrusive Marine and UAV Surveys are not time constrained and may commence from contract award and must be complete as soon as possible, but by April 2024 at the latest. It should be noted that this works period may be subject to review and as such the Council will require flexibility from the appointed contractor in the event that these dates need to be moved forward or backwards. A Stage 1 Geotechnical Investigation (GI) was carried out in 2021 and included a suite of Magnetometry/Side Scan Survey and Bathymetry surveys for UXO and archaeological purposes. The proposed marine surveys are required to extend to those areas not covered in the 2021 surveys. The non-intrusive Marine and UAV Surveys contractor will be required to survey the proposed Dredge Channel, situated within and north of the Tipner channel, between Tipner West and HIE, the proposed survey buffer comprises 26.5 ha and is approximately centred at National Grid Reference (NGR) 463755 103729. This survey area will likely require a combination of marine and UAV surveys. Additional information: SCOPE The appointed contractor will be the Main Contractor responsible for providing all boats, equipment, welfare for the purposes of undertaking the survey, and is also responsible for obtaining any necessary permits, undertaking the surveys and providing reports. The following survey types are required: Side scan sonar (SSS) Multi beam echo sounder (MBES) Marine Magnetometry Survey (Mag) Flown Marine Magnetometry Survey (Mag) (If required),


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Portsmouth City Council

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