Wound protection products for the health trusts associated with the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority
This is an invitation to submit tenders in a contest for a regional framework agreement for wound treatment products. Note that the period up until the tender deadline partly overlaps with staff summer holidays, and interested parties are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the contest documents as early as possible so that necessary questions can be asked as early as possible. Furthermore, note that a product demonstration of the offered products will be held at Gardermoen 30-31 August, and that interest parties that will submit a tender are to set aside time to participate in this. Further information on the programme set-up will be given after the tender deadline has expired. Lot 1-49.: Lots 1-49 Tenders are to be submitted for the lots that interested parties can submit a tender for in accordance with the requirements specification. Lot 1-49.: Lots 1-49 Tenders are to be submitted for the lots that interested parties can submit a tender for in accordance with the requirements specification.
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2 years ago
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2 years ago
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Stadt Fellbach
- Email:
- fellbach-feuerwehr-projektsteuerung@menoldbezler.de
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