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Health Checks DPS



The NHS Health Check programme aims to reduce avoidable premature mortality by early identification and management of cardiovascular risk factors and disease in people aged between 40 and 74 years who have no previous history of CVD disease. In West Northamptonshire, 73 in every 100,000 people die prematurely before the age of 75 from cardiovascular disease. Under the Health and Social Care Act 2012, local authorities have a legal responsibility to commission and monitor a local NHS health check programme. All local authorities must offer an NHS Health Check to 100% of their eligible population every 5 years by inviting 20% of the eligible population each year over the five-year period. In Northamptonshire, between 2024/2025 and 2028/29, 247,499 people are eligible for a NHS Health Check meaning that 49,500 people should be offered a check each year. The Councils aspiration is for 70% of Health Checks offered to be taken up, which equates to around 34,650 checks delivered each year. Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) expect that 66% of health checks offered should be taken up equating to 27,417 checks delivered each year.


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9 months ago

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in 9 years

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West Northamptonshire Council

Kayley Lakin

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