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Integrated Specialist Community Public Health Nurses services (SCPHN)



13,270,470 GBP


INTENDED APPROACH NOTICE Portsmouth City Council ('the Council') is inviting expressions of interest from suitably qualified providers for the commissioning of Specialist Community Public Health Nurse Services (SCPHNS). The Council wishes to award a contract via the NHS Provider Selection Regime Regulations 2023, Most Suitable Provider Process. This will be published for 14 days as per the requirements of the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulation 2023. This notice is to enable providers to approach the Authority and express their interest in being considered as the 'most suitable provider'. The Council is envisaging awarding on 2nd June 2025 with a contract commencement on 1st September 2025. The contract term will be for 2 (two) years with the possibility to extend for a further 12 (twelve) months. Lot 1: Under the terms of the Health and Social Care Act 2012, Portsmouth City Council is responsible for improving the health of their local population. Universal and targeted public health services provided by specialist community public health nurse (SCPHN) teams are crucial to improving the health and wellbeing of all children and young people and covered by the Public Health ring-fenced grant. The SCPHN service is made up of health visiting, including the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) and Targeted Early Development Support (TEDS); and school nursing teams. These services are required to provide mandatory public health screening and other interventions, which are included in national guidance for Commissioning health visitors and school nurses for public health services for children aged 0 to 19. Portsmouth City Council Children, Families and Education Directorate delivers a range of services and functions to discharge the key responsibilities of top-tier local authority. In addition, close and mature partnership working with health commissioners and providers enables many of those functions to be integrated with the local NHS system. The services are currently provided under a section 75 partnership agreement with Solent NHS Trust (now Hampshire and Isle of Wight Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust) which are commissioned by Children's Directorate as part of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the "Healthy Child Programme". 'The City Vision' for Portsmouth sets out the aspiration to have a healthy and happy city by 2040. Core values, referenced in 'The City Vision', required within the city and to be demonstrated by the provider of the Integrated Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (SCPHN) service are equality, collaboration, community, respect, and innovation. Underpinning the Childrens Trust Plan in Portsmouth is the commitment to have an integrated multi-agency planning and delivery system approach which meets the needs of the children and families in the city. The SCPHN programme is a key part of this integrated approach in the local system and is linchpin in the Portsmouth Prebirth to 5 Strategy and Children's Public Health Strategy. We want all children and young people in Portsmouth to get a good start in life, be happy and healthy, ready for lifelong learning and to go on to have successful opportunities in adulthood. The evidence is unequivocal that early intervention are the best way to support this and tackle health and social inequalities. A good start in life lays the foundations for better outcomes for children at school, and improved life chances through life. To achieve the vision set out above, the Council's is intending to commission Integrated Public Health Nursing, Prevention and Early Intervention offer to families which align to the Council's in-house provision, in particular Early Invention Service and Family Hubs, with seamless pathways and a common set of outcomes, delivered through a family centered, strengths-based approach. Key principles include: • Focus on prevention & early intervention with a whole family approach. • Building on community capacity. • Empowering families to seek their own support, find their own solutions. • Building resilience and positive relationships. • Evidence based, flexible and consistent. • Integrated and seamless across all pathways. • Simple and proportionate. This is a short-term contract to allow for insight-driven sustainable affordable transformations and to inform long-term planning. The aim is to inform how to optimise resources across the wider system (i.e. those within and external services of this contract), and improve the quality of the services delivered as part of a transformation period, working in a collaboration with the successful provider to set meaningful measures. The estimated value over the lifetime of the contract (including total extension period) is £13,270,470. The funding for the services is the anticipated total value based on current funding available, guidance and is subject to changes in priorities.


Publish date

2 months ago

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Portsmouth City Council

Public Health Contracts Team

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