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NE Regional FRS - Occupational Health Services



1,250,000 GBP


This tender is for the provision of an Occupational Health Service (hereinafter 'the Service') to the below organisations: Cleveland Fire Brigade County Durham & Darlington Fire and Rescue Service Tyne & Wear Fire and Rescue Service Cleveland Fire Brigade (CFB) as commercial lead for this project, are prepared to receive tenders for the requirement as detailed within the Specification of requirements and in accordance with the terms and conditions of Contract. Tenders that do not comply with these conditions may not be considered. The participating organisations have a duty of care to their employees and recognise that in order to provide effective services its is important that their employees stay healthy and fit for work and that so far as is possible, that the work they do does not detrimentally affect their health. Each organisation also has a number of policies and procedures in place to underpin:- • The promotion of good employee health and well-being • The proactive management of sickness absence • Active rehabilitation including modified duties • The reduction of time lost due to sickness. The Occupational Health Service will contribute to Employee Health and Wellbeing (EHWB) Strategies to:- • Develop and promote a positive health, safety and wellbeing culture amongst employees and partners • Develop, implement and monitor working procedures that contribute to the provision of healthy and safe working environments for employees and partners. • Proactively support the physical and mental wellbeing of employees The Contractor must:- • Develop a pro-active approach to the management of sickness absence and contribute to a significant and on-going reduction in sickness absence levels. • Develop and maintain a healthy workforce through employee health and wellbeing promotion. • Support each organisation in meeting statutory requirements; demonstrate compliance and maintain a pro-active occupational health service.


Publish date

5 years ago

Close date

4 years ago

Buyer information

Cleveland Fire Authority

Lee Woodall

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