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East Lancashire's Levelling Up Fund



24,200,000 GBP


The Levelling Up Fund is part of the UK governments 'levelling up' agenda which aims to address the country's regional economic disparities. East Lancashire's Levelling Up Fund (LUF) programme will cover various schemes incorporating themed interventions in East Lancashire focussing on safer, greener, healthier streets, and accessible and vibrant town centres. The four districts of East Lancashire to benefit from the programme of work include Burnley, Hyndburn, Pendle and Rossendale. This tender is split into 4 Lots, based on these geographical areas. A single contractor will be appointed to each Lot and will be required to undertake the full package of works for that Lot. The maximum number of Lots a tenderer can be successful for is 2. The award of contracts is subject to approval of funding from the Department for Transport. No award or contractual commitment will be made by Lancashire County Council for any Lot, until the final approval for the project and funding is confirmed. Lot 1: Lot 1 - Burnley Lot 1 - Burnley includes works for accessible and vibrant town centres and safer, greener healthier streets. The works include improvements to the town centre and the surrounding area to offer a more balanced streetscape and improve the experience of people visiting the town. Works for the safer, greener, healthier streets include a range of public realm interventions which will create vibrant communities by rebalancing the streets to make more people friendly places and encourage community cohesion, walking, cycling for short journeys and offer improved connectivity to public transport and less reliance on cars. The full Scope of requirements including detail for the sectional completion for the different elements of the works are detailed in the tender documents. Lot 2: Lot 2 - Hyndburn Lot 2 - Hyndburn includes works for safer, greener, healthier streets. Works for the safer, greener, healthier streets include a range of public realm interventions which will create vibrant communities by rebalancing the streets to make more people friendly places and encourage community cohesion, walking, cycling for short journeys and offer improved connectivity to public transport and less reliance on cars. The full Scope of requirements including detail for the sectional completion for the different elements of the works are detailed in the tender documents. Lot 3: Lot 3 - Pendle Lot 3 - Pendle includes works for and safer, greener, healthier streets. Works for the safer, greener, healthier streets include a range of public realm interventions which will create vibrant communities by rebalancing the streets to make more people friendly places and encourage community cohesion, walking, cycling for short journeys and offer improved connectivity to public transport and less reliance on cars. The full Scope of requirements including detail for the sectional completion for the different elements of the works are detailed in the tender documents. Lot 4: Lot 4 - Rossendale Lot 4 - Rossendale includes works for accessible and vibrant town centres and safer, greener, healthier streets. The works include improvements to the town centre and the surrounding area to offer a more balanced streetscape and improve the experience of people visiting the town. Works for the safer, greener, healthier streets include a range of public realm interventions which will create vibrant communities by rebalancing the streets to make more people friendly places and encourage community cohesion, walking, cycling for short journeys and offer improved connectivity to public transport and less reliance on cars. The full Scope of requirements including detail for the sectional completion for the different elements of the works are detailed in the tender documents.


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Lancashire County Council

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