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Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BHNHSFT) Prosthetics and Orthotics Services



The Trust is seeking to commission an integrated prosthetics and orthotics service at Luton & Dunstable Hospital for both prosthetics and orthotics, and at Bedford Hospital for an orthotics service. Lot 1: The Trust is seeking to commission an integrated prosthetics and orthotics service as follows: •At Luton & Dunstable Hospital both prosthetics and orthotics, which are currently delivered at the Limb Fitting Centre; This site offers both Prosthetics & Orthotics to both Adults and Paediatrics in the local area. The Prosthetics service is one of only 35 centres in the UK so patients come from a wider geographical area. We supply artificial limbs to clients with lower limb deficiencies (Acquired and congenital), together with all associated Prosthetic, Technical, Therapeutic and Holistic support. Patients are registered with the service life-long. •At Bedford Hospital, an orthotics service, which is currently based at both Gilbert Hitchcock House and the Child Development Centre at Hill Rise. Orthotics at both Luton & Bedford provide for both Adult & Paediatric Patients who have been referred from various sources e.g. GP, Physiotherapy Teams, and Consultants in the local area. It includes the treatment, fitting, maintaining, and repairing of Orthoses. This can be from Elastic and Fabric supports, ankle, knee and Lumbar bracing, Insoles, Footwear and other devices to support patients with an impairment, injury or reduced mobility. Patients are seen for episodes of care for the provision of Orthotics to support them in relation to the diagnoses they were referred with. The Trust is seeking a Provider who can deliver high quality, flexible, cost effective prosthetics, and orthotics services to our patients. Bids must be made on the basis that the services will be delivered at the Trust's current sites.


Publish date

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Darren Bates

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