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Research on barriers to involvement in Public Participation Networks



Public Participation Networks (PPNs) were set up on foot of the 2014 Report of the Working Group on Citizen Engagement with Local Government. Their primary function is to provide representation for the community sector in Local Authority policymaking structures, giving local volunteers a greater say in local government decisions which affect their own communities. In order to ensure diverse input by citizens into the decision-making process, it is essential that PPNs represent a range of perspectives from throughout the community sector. For PPNs to fulfil their potential, it is important the breadth of perspective on societal issues that impact all people is not limited. At present, it is not clear whether there is diversity in representation within PPNs in practice. Research is therefore required in order to explore the demographic characteristics of groups and individuals involved in all 31 PPNs, to investigate the diversity involved and to establish an evidence base on the area. This evidence base, along with any recommendations, will be used to inform future DRCD initiatives aimed at addressing barriers to participation in PPNs. Public Participation Networks (PPNs) were set up on foot of the 2014 Report of the Working Group on Citizen Engagement with Local Government. Their primary function is to provide representation for the community sector in Local Authority policymaking structures, giving local volunteers a greater say in local government decisions which affect their own communities. In order to ensure diverse input by citizens into the decision-making process, it is essential that PPNs represent a range of perspectives from throughout the community sector. For PPNs to fulfil their potential, it is important the breadth of perspective on societal issues that impact all people is not limited. At present, it is not clear whether there is diversity in representation within PPNs in practice. Research is therefore required in order to explore the demographic characteristics of groups and individuals involved in all 31 PPNs, to investigate the diversity involved and to establish an evidence base on the area. This evidence base, along with any recommendations, will be used to inform future DRCD initiatives aimed at addressing barriers to participation in PPNs.


Publish date

2 years ago

Close date

2 years ago

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