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N&W ICB GP IT Services



Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board (N&W ICB) is looking for an IT Services Delivery Partner to join them on their journey to improve and modernise the infrastructure in GP premises, to ensure that GP Practice and PCN staff have the right technology and support available when and where needed. Lot 1: Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board (N&W ICB) is looking for an IT Services Delivery Partner to join them on their journey to improve and modernise the infrastructure in GP premises, to ensure that GP Practice and PCN staff have the right technology and support available when and where needed. <br/><br/>The service will be in alignment to ICS planning guidance, as well as to the Primary Care Digital Services Model, which builds on the achievements and lessons learned to date during the cloud first journey and provides a framework to maintain the momentum of change. <br/><br/>N&W ICB is seeking a delivery partner to support with the implementation of simplified cloud infrastructure within Primary Care throughout the ICS, increasing flexibility and collaboration for the workforce. Specifically, the Customer aims to: <br/>• Spend public money wisely and well. <br/>• Ensure staff throughout the ICS can work seamlessly in General Practice premises, and that staff from general practice can work seamlessly elsewhere in the ICS. <br/>• Remove silo-ed working through the implementation of cloud infrastructure & implement single sign on, removing the need for staff in primary care to have multiple logons wherever they work. <br/>• Implement a one person – one device policy, ensuring that mobile devices can interface with the full range of functionality in practices, such as practice specific software and printing. <br/>• Implement automatic Wi-Fi connection for mobile devices. <br/>• Manage a central software catalogue allowing for user self service & standardisation of the estate. <br/>• Enable some IT tasks to be undertaken locally by the practice by suitably skilled empowered staff. <br/>• Support primary care staff employed at PCN level, ensuring that technology and access to systems is not a barrier to them being a productive member of the primary care clinical team


Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

NHS Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board

Mark Kevlin

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