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P0102 - HDD-MIN-58053 Care Partner Licence Renewal



Softcat PLC


230,209.63 GBP


Hywel Dda Health Board ("HDUHB") has awarded a contract for the renewal of their Care Partner Enterprise Licence contract for Mental Health Services. This contract is essential for the Mental Health and Learning Disability (MH&LD) Service within HDUHB as Care Partner provides the Electronic Patient Record for the service and has been in operation for many years. Since 2019, Care Partner has facilitated a switch to a paperless operation for MH&LD department. The contract ensures the department can easily record, share and report information as required to promote enhanced communication and improve engagement with the patient. The result is a real improvement, not only in the quality of the patient's experience, but also in communication between clinicians. Ultimately, this access is vital to ensure all patient records created in the last decade can be accessed as required.The National Procurement Service (NPS) IT Products and Services (ii) framework agreement (NPS-ICT-0094-19) is compliant with UK/EU procurement legislation. The framework included several potential providers who have achieved inclusion on the framework following a qualification process and procurement invited all suppliers on the framework to the mini competition.


Award date

2 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

NHS Wales - Shared Services Partnership

Josh Wood

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