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Track Maintenance Across Northern Trains Depots and Outstations



7,500,000 GBP


This covers the patrolling of track and carrying out preventative maintenance within the depots operated by Northern Trains at various locations across the North of England in accordance with the Network Rail Line Specification RT/CE/S/037 and associated standards along with Depot Lease agreements and their associated annexes. Lot 1: the scope of works covers patrolling of track and carrying out preventative maintenance within the depots operated by Northern Rail across the North of England. This tender must ensure that Northern Trains limited delivers out its obligations under the Depot lease agreements, through a robust maintenance contract. The works are to be conducted in accordance with the Network Rail Line Specification RT/CE/S/037 and associated standards along with Depot Lease agreements and their associated annexes. This includes: - a)Routine track patrol Inspections for each depot location specified including routine Day to Day track maintenance work as outlined within the specification. b)6 monthly and annual full track inspections c)Track Maintenance Work Repairs Arising (Unscheduled Repairs) d)Planned track maintenance renewals (Planned Maintenance Works) e)Emergency Response to Track Defects, Derailments and Call Out Provision f)Maintenance of signalling equipment g)Maintenance of OHLE h)Maintenance of switch heating systems i)Annual independent track inspection The locations that this cover Heaton Depot Hull Botanical Gardens Sheffield Depot Skipton Depot Newton Heath Depot Blackpool Depot Barrow Depot Allerton Depot Wigan Springs Branch Depot Blackburn Depot Longsight, Manchester International Depot (MID) Neville Hill Depot Preston Depot


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Northern Trains Ltd

rory walker

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