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Housing First Services



Adferiad Recovery


1,172,306.67 GBP


Flintshire Housing Support Team are commissioning a Housing First project for people aged 18+ with complex support needs that have been impacting their ability to sustain accommodation. These needs can be one or more of the following list Mental Health, Substance Misuse, Offending, Moderate Learning Difficulties, adverse childhood experiences, trauma. The list is not exhaustive. Lot 1: Flintshire Housing Support Team are commissioning a Housing First project for people aged 18+ with complex support needs that have been impacting their ability to sustain accommodation. These needs can be one or more of the following list Mental Health, Substance Misuse, Offending, Moderate Learning Difficulties, adverse childhood experiences, trauma. The list is not exhaustive. Housing First is a person-centred approach which is aimed at ending homelessness by rapidly transitioning individuals into independent and permanent housing. This approach prioritises providing stable housing. Following accommodation being secured the necessary support and services will be offered. Housing First is tailored for homeless individuals with high and complex needs, aiming to offer a lasting solution to homelessness, enhance health and wellbeing, and promote social integration. It utilises regular housing, such as private or social rented units, as an initial step towards recovery. The goal is to house individuals with high needs in secure homes and provide ongoing support at their own pace to help them maintain their tenancy. Priority 2 in the Flintshire Housing Strategy Programme is about strengthening person centred approaches and responding to complex needs and priority 6 is rapid rehousing. The Housing First service is key to ensuring that Flintshire meet these priorities. This is a four 4 year contract with the option to extend for up to 2 further years


Award date

3 months ago

Publish date

3 months ago

Buyer information

Flintshire County Council

Lisa Pearson

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