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Connect to Work delivery in Southwark



5,800,000 GBP


This is a Prior Information Notice (PIN) for information only. It is not a formal invitation to tender. You will need to respond to the tender notice in order to be considered for this contract. The purpose of this PIN is to maximise transparency and competition for the upcoming tender notice. All details in this PIN are subject to being updated or changed in the final tender notice. The PIN is being published to advertise a Preliminary Market Engagement Event to be held online on 27 February 2025 where more information about the opportunity will be shared. The PIN fulfils the requirement for a Preliminary Market Engagement Notice to be issued under the Procurement Act 2023. Organisations interested in this opportunity should contact for details of how to join the Preliminary Market Engagement Event. Connect to Work is a Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) funded programme of supported employment to be delivered over five years from April 2025 to financial year 2029/30. Its primary objective is to support people with health and disability related barriers into good quality, sustainable employment using tested models of support known as Individual Placement and Support (IPS) and the Supported Employment Quality Framework (SEQF). Southwark is projected to have the highest number of Connect to Work participants of all central London boroughs, with up to 700 starts per year when the programme is at full capacity. Over the five-year delivery period, over 2,000 people are expected to benefit from support. The council will take a blended approach to delivering Connect to Work in Southwark with approximately 30% of total volumes to be delivered in-house and 70% procured through external organisations. Effective integration with local employment support services delivered through the Southwark Works programme and with local health, wellbeing and social care providers will be essential to the success of this programme. Lot 1: This procurement of a new service will be carried out using a competitive tender process. It is anticipated that the tender will be advertised on the Find a Tender service (FTS) in April 2025 . Each lot under this procurement will be for a contract to deliver Connect to Work as a full 'end to end' service for a proportion of the total volumes of people to be supported in Southwark. The tender notice will set out the volumes, key referral relationships and eligible groups to be supported under each contract lot. Information on the make up of the proposed contract lots and tender process will be shared at the Preliminary Market Engagement Event and feedback will be sought prior to finalisation of the tender documentation. Suppliers interested in this opportunity are invited to attend this event to be held Thursday 27 February 2025 from 10am to 12 noon via Microsoft Teams. If you would like to attend, please email Ade Adebowale at by 12 noon on Wednesday 26 February and a Teams invitation will be sent to you. This is not an invitation to tender nor does it preclude or favour eligibility to participate in the formal procurement once it starts. Details in this PIN are subject to being updated or changed in the final tender notice. The council reserves the right to cancel, postpone, suspend or abort this procurement at any stage. The issue of this PIN in no way commits the council to commence the procurement process.


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a month ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Southwark

Mr Nick Wolff

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