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Drug and Alcohol Treatment services (Soft Market Testing) and Drug and Alcohol Recovery services (Soft Market Testing)



Birmingham City Council is seeking expressions of interest to inform commissioners of the provider landscape to understand the market, and to help identify suitable providers to deliver Birmingham's Adult Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services and Recovery Services. Our Triple Zero Strategy, sets out the Council's ambitions: - Zero deaths due to drug or alcohol addiction - Zero overdoses due to drug or alcohol addiction - Zero people unable to receive support for their addiction when they need it Our Adults Treatment Service is crucial to achieving our vision. Our current integrated service works with adults who misuse substance, including opiates, non-opiates and alcohol. It provides services that help adults successfully complete treatment and move towards recovery. The current contract comes to an end in September 2025 and this soft market testing is to inform our future services. There are 2 soft market testing exercises: 1. Drug and Alcohol Treatment services Birmingham's drug and alcohol misuse treatment services are based on an assessment of local need and a plan which is developed with local Drug and alcohol partnership. The service works to assess, plan and deliver support, care and specialised treatments to individuals with assessed or expressed needs. 2. Drug and Alcohol Recovery services Our Recovery services aim to support people recover from substance misuse through structured therapeutic support. This includes behavioural change programmes and coaching, to help people build resilience and connect with the local community. Recovery aims to: • Increase a person's ability to engage and stay in treatment, • Improve a person's health and social well-being, • Improve a person's employment outcomes and reduced re-offending. • Support those who need support with their own or someone else's drug and alcohol use Please click on the link below to complete the Questionnaire on MS Forms: Treatment Service: Please click on the link below to complete the Questionnaire on MS Forms: Recovery Service: Closing date for submission of response is 12:00hrs (NOON) Wednesday 16th October 2024 This Soft Market Testing exercise forms part of research around the future commissioning options for the service(s) This exercise is purely investigatory in nature, although it may be used to assist the Council in delivery model, service viability and the potential routes to market under the Provider Selection Regime. Providing a response will not preclude your participation in any future procurement exercise.


Publish date

6 months ago

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Birmingham City Council

Birmingham City Council

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