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NSS04724 Workforce Specialist Services



8,360,000 GBP


Workforce Specialist Services Lot 1: The contract will commence on 1st April 2025 and will be in place for a period of 3 years. There will be an option to extend by a period of 1 x 2 years. The Provider will deliver on behalf of the Authority a Workforce Specialist Service (WSS), a confidential mental health, including addiction, assessment and treatment service. Access to the WSS will be for those working members of the health and social care workforce, or those who may be out of work but retain a licence to practice, and who, due to the nature of their professional role, are unable to access confidential care through usual routes, who’s illness or care is complicated by the conditions of being a regulated practitioner or who are at risk of or undergoing regulatory proceedings and their mental health is relevant or affected. The workforce specialist service will offer specialism in treating and supporting regulated practitioners who: experience increased risks of suffering mental illness including difficulties with addiction and suicidality. suffer stigmatisation and difficulty accessing confidential assessment and treatment for mental health; and who are reluctant to seek help due to concerns about professional implications (e.g. regulator involvement, detriment to career progression, impact of having time off sick). The service provided is expected to be led by a multi-professional team with experience in treating regulated professionals. The service should offer specialism in treating addictions including capability to provide or arrange in-patient detoxification and/or rehabilitation therapy. The provider will also support mobilisation, advisory and consultancy support for the Workforce Specialist Service The Scottish health and social care workforce is 400,000. It has been estimated that approximately 750 individuals will require the provider's support for case management over a twelve-month period. It is expected that the service will be able to safely triage and offer both case management and therapy pathways as standard.


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4 months ago

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3 months ago

Buyer information

NHS National Services Scotland

Shona MacKenzie

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