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Prison to Community Specialist Clinical Pathways Service



Devon Partnership NHS Trust


893,000 GBP


NHS England South West (the Commissioner) launched a pilot scheme to improve the transition of individuals from prison into community-based support services. The pilot phase was developed in close collaboration with prison healthcare services, criminal justice agencies, local authorities, and other relevant organisations. The initiative focused on specialist clinical pathways, aiming to enhance continuity of care and reduce reoffending risks. To continue this work, NHS England South West has commissioned the Prison to Community Specialist Clinical Pathways service for 2025-26. The Commissioner intends to contract for the Services using the latest version of the NHS Standard Contract. The total contract value is £893,000, over the 1 year period which will commence on 1st April 2025. This notice is placed to set out NHS England South West's (the Commissioner's) intention to award a contract under the Most Suitable Provider Process of the Provider Selection Regime (PSR). Lot 1: NHS England South West has commissioned the Prison to Community Specialist Clinical Pathways service for 2025-26, which consists of two key elements: 1. Enhanced Reconnect (ER) - A psychologically led service providing complex case management for individuals transitioning from prison into existing community services. ER focuses on those considered to present a particularly high risk due to serious violent, sexual, or terrorism-related offences. 2. Medication to Manage Sexual Arousal Service (MMSA) - A service offering assessment and prescribing of medication to help individuals manage problematic sexual arousal and sexual preoccupation. MMSA is offered to individuals convicted of sexual offences, with the aim of improving their well-being. A notice (ref. 2024/S 000-039051) was published for 14 days informing the market of the intention to follow the Most Suitable Provider Process. The Commissioner sought a provider/s who were suitable and capable to continue the delivery of this work. To express an interest, providers were required to complete and submit a short Most Suitable Provider Questionnaire through the Atamis portal. Three providers submitted an expression of interest in being considered as the most suitable provider. A Request for Information (RfI) was then sent to these three providers seeking the return of further information to support the Commissioner's assessment. Two of the interested suppliers did not submit the requested information and as such, were deemed 'not assured', resulting them in not being nominated as the most suitable provider to deliver this service. Devon Partnership Trust (DPT) submitted a response to the RfI and after conducting an assessment, taking into account the key criteria and applying the basic selection criteria, NHS England South West is content that DPT will likely satisfy the proposed contract to a sufficient standard. The Commissioner intends to contract for the Services using the latest version of the NHS Standard Contract. The contract term will be for a duration of 1 year, and will commence on 1st April 2025. The total contract value is £893,000. This notice is placed to set out NHS England South West's (the Commissioner's) intention to award a contract under the Most Suitable Provider Process of the Provider Selection Regime (PSR). This is a new service being awarded to a provider delivering the existing pilot service. This exercise was carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioner.


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