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Ballast Cleaning Programme - Technical Support - CALL FOR COMPETITION (1)




HS1 Limited trading at London St. Pancras Highspeed is seeking a specialist consultant to enhance its capabilities and capacity in governing, assuring and overseeing track renewals, specifically focusing on the ballast cleaning programme. The consultant will provide a turnkey solution that integrates technical expertise, strategic oversight, and operational assurance to assist with HS1’s project management assurance. This will enable HS1 to achieve its future control period efficiency targets as set in CP4 and establish a legacy of best practices for future renewals. The key components of the scope to be issued and PQQ & ITT stage will include: • Technical Specialism in Track Renewals and associated Highspeed railway system integration • Operational Impact Analysis and Assurance • Possession, Resource, Competency and Plant Planning Assurance • Contingency and Risk Planning Assurance • PMO and Project Governance Assurance This is the Call for Competition and the PQQ and associated documents can be found within the attached documents.


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