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Central Decontamination Unit Equipment and Furniture CfT for New Children's Hospital



The provision of central decontamination unit (CDU) equipment and furniture is required for a digital, state of art, new children’s hospital which is currently under construction for Children’s Health Ireland. Children’s Health Ireland (CHI) comprises the following: CHI at Crumlin, National Children’s Hospital at Tallaght, and CHI at Temple Street plus two urgent care and outpatient facilities at Connolly and Tallaght Hospitals. The substantial completion of construction is estimated for the end of quarter two of 2025 followed by six months for CHI operational commission post-completion, so the delivery, unpacking and placement of the tendered equipment may not occur until quarter three or four of 2025, within the commissioning timeframe. Consequently, state of the art equipment is required to ensure the best possible service is provided. It is imperative that equipment is sustainable, ethically supplied, robust, of high quality, safe for use, functional and reliable, reusable, has longevity of use and is an equivalent standard and specification. The requirements have been divided into three Lots with each Lot resulting in a separate contract. Tenderers are invited to tender for one, multiple or all Lot(s). The equipment and quantities required for nch per Lot are as follows: Lot 1: CDU Washroom Tables, Packing Tables, Desktop Heat Sealer with compatible sterilisation reel dispenser and table, Magnifier Inspection Lamps, bench mounted, Paper Dispenser Trollies Lot 2 Endoscope Channel Cleaning and Leak Detection System and Endoscope Drying and High-Level Disinfection System Lot 3 Endoscope Storage and Transport Solution


Publish date

2 months ago

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a month ago

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National Paediatric Hospital Development Board

National Paediatric Hospital Development Board

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