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GB-Shrewsbury: DONV 045 - Programme Assurance Manager



300,000 GBP


Tenders are invited for the role of Programme Assurance Manager in connection with Smithfield Riverside Redevelopment. Smithfield Riverside is a key area of regeneration within Shrewsbury Town Centre and part of the overall Big Town Plan initiative for Shrewsbury. The first phase includes the demolition of Riverside shopping centre and creation of a significant piece of new public realm referred to as Roushill Park for which demolition works are well advanced with the appointment of a building contractor to construct Roushill Park due imminently. Phase 1 also includes approval to progress to planning application of a capital scheme involving partial demolition and leisure led re-development of the former Pride Hill shopping centre and an adjacent site known as the 'gap' site, currently used as a surface car park. Furthermore, as part of the first phase, an outline planning application was submitted in November 2024, for the area of the Riverside site previously occupied by Riverside shopping centre. Comprising various plots, the outline planning application includes parameters based on several different uses and associated development footprints and massing scenarios. This will establish the maximum parameters in terms of quantum of development. The Council has appointed a Development Manager to lead the first phase of redevelopment along with a full design team including architects, multi-disciplinary engineers, planning consultant, project manager, quantity surveyor and other specialists including flood risk advisers, flood modelling specialists and planning consultation specialists. Over the forthcoming 12-18 months the Council has an ambitious programme of activities, including completion of the demolition programme and construction of the park on the site of the former Riverside shopping centre with the subsequent development of business cases for residential-led mixed use on the site. Identify and secure tenants and progress Pride Hill and Gap site to planning, develop an outline business case for the refurbishment/redevelopment of the Raven Meadows multi-storey car park in the context of the wider Smithfield Riverside Masterplan and secure further Council approvals as appropriate. The contract will be for an initial period of 18 months commencing on the 1st April 2025 with the option to extend for a further period of 12 months. Additional information: The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement.


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Shropshire Council


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