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24-40 Signage, Informative and Promotional Display Print



455,000 GBP


The University of Wolverhampton (the ‘University’) wishes to enter into a contract (the “Contract”) with a Contractor (the ‘Contractor’) to supply Signage, Informative and Promotional Display Print to the University and its Entities. The University is seeking an agreement via Competitive Tender (“Tender”) from suitably qualified organisations (“Tenderers”) in response to the provision of the aforementioned Goods and Services. The University is looking to appoint Suppliers to the Signage, Informative and Promotional Display Print Framework Agreement who can demonstrate that they offer high quality in terms of goods and/or services that are ‘fit for purpose’ and can also offer excellent value for money over the entire contract period. Further details are provided in Schedule 1 Scope and Specification of the Invitation To Tender. All activities under the Framework Agreement on behalf of the University should be carried out by appropriately trained, qualified and experienced staff. The calibre of the Supplier staff (carrying out the business-as-usual contract/relationship management) is of prime importance to the University in that it ensures the quality of the service, adherence to lead times and the prompt resolution of any issues. A model specification (which does not fully quantify all the terms but covers the key terms and deliverables and the broad requirements of the service) is provided in the Invitation To Tender document and is used for tendering purposes only. The specification may be modified by individuals (the participating organisations) subject to negotiation with the successful Tenderers. Lot 1: 1. Introduction and Overview 1.1 The University of Wolverhampton (‘the University’) wish to engage with Suppliers of a wide variety of materials ranging from window vinyls to flags, zap stands through to informative hoardings. 1.2 The University has an in-house Print Service Unit where on occasion some requirements for this Framework Agreement may be produced. This is a relationship that will continue throughout the entire period of the Contract. Additional information: To allow this Contract to be used for potential Funded projects we are notifying all tenderers that some works might be subject to part funding by, for example, the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme for England (ESIF), European Regional Development Fund. (ERDF) or any other European Union Funded Programme, or other Funding Body e.g. Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP).


Publish date

5 months ago

Close date

4 months ago

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University of Wolverhampton

Procurement Officer

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