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WSCC- Market Engagement and Soft Market Testing - Direct Payment Support Service



The West Sussex County Council (WSCC) are committed to giving customers choice and control over their support services and wishes to use Direct Payments, where the customer receives a cash allocation to spend in an agreed way which will meet their assessed care needs. Direct Payment Support Services are a statutory requirement to ensure that people can receive the appropriate advice and support to make the best use of their money. It also supports the County Council to ensure that Direct Payments are used lawfully and effectively. The current contract expires on 13 February 2026. The WSCC are looking to engage with the market to help to understand the interest to bid for the services as well as to capture the responses to Market Engagement Questionnaire which would further inform our specification and delivery model for these services. Please access the Direct Payment Support Service Provider Market Survey on Your Voice here: West Sussex County Council would like to invite Suppliers to join us at an provider engagement event prior to the start of the procurement process for a Direct Payments Support Service. This event is targeted at experienced Service Providers with an interest in providing Direct Payment Support Services in West Sussex. We are committed to enabling people to participate in the surveys as part of our engagement activities, if you have any queries please direct them to please direct them to We would like to invite you to attend an online workshop event on 5 September 2024 via Microsoft teams. This event will give potential service providers the opportunity to contribute to the designing of the future service delivery model. If you would like to attend please email with 'DPSS Market Workshop' in the subject line, and in the email tell us your name, your organisation and your email address and we will send you an invitation to the event. We would encourage an early registration for the event so we get an overview of the numbers and prepare accordingly. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.


Publish date

9 months ago

Buyer information

West Sussex County Council

Daiga Allen

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