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RSH Health Check Procurement (Retendered)





370,000 GBP


Regulator of Social Housing is looking for a Health Check provider to provide annual Health Checks for its staff. RSH provides Health Checks as a contractual benefit to staff and are looking to procure a provider following the expiry of the existing contract. Staff over the age of 45 are entitled to an annual health check, whilst staff aged 44 and under are entitled to a health check once every three years. Lot 1: Suppliers are invited to tender for the delivery of Health Check Services to the Regulator of Social Housing via an open procedure. The Supplier shall provide a face-to-face health programme to RSH Staff, comprising of the following: •Personal medical history and lifestyle questionnaire : •Height and weight measurements •Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation •Body fat percentage •Waist circumference •Body Composition Index •Hydration levels •Urine analysis •Full biochemistry profile including liver and kidney function •Blood glucose test for diabetes •Cholesterol test •Analysis of nutritional status •Computerised spinal assessment •Lung function test •Measurement of physiological resilience to stressors •Blood pressure •Resting ECG (if clinically indicated) •Cardiovascular risk score •Chest x-ray (if clinically indicated) •Bowel cancer test (45+) •Estimation of fitness (VO2 max) •Analysis of metabolic syndrome risk syndrome •For male clients: • Testicular examination & guidance • on self-examination • Prostate cancer blood test (50+) •For female clients: • Breast examination & guidance on self-examination • Pelvic examination • Cervical smear • High vaginal swab (if clinically indicated) • Thyroid function test (female 50+)


Award date

11 months ago

Publish date

10 months ago

Buyer information

Regulator of Social Housing

RSH Procurement

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