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Provision of Insourced Endoscopy Services - HUTH



Provision of Insourced Endoscopy Services - HUTH<br/>PSR Competitive Procedure for the Provision of Insourced Endoscopy Services - HUTH<br/>Contract for the period 01/04/2025 to 31/03/2026 with option to extend for a further 3 months.<br/>Estimated contract value £300,000 for the initial 12 month term (£375,000 inc. 3mth extension option). Lot 1: Provision of Insourced Endoscopy Services - HUTH<br/>PSR Competitive Procedure for the Provision of Insourced Endoscopy Services - HUTH<br/>Contract for the period 01/04/2025 to 31/03/2026 with option to extend for a further 3 months.<br/>Estimated contract value £300,000 for the initial 12 month term (£375,000 inc. 3mth extension option).<br/><br/>Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (HUTHT) plan to work in partnership with an Independent Sector (IS) Provider to facilitate the provision of endoscopy services. Demand will be dictated on service needs which can alter, based on demand; initial focus will primarily be on Lower Gastroenterological investigations.<br/><br/>The IS provider will provide appropriately qualified and experienced Consultant endoscopists (gastroenterology, Upper Gastrointestinal (UGI), colorectal) to support additional endoscopy sessions. This is to ensure that all sessions for each pathway are delivered on a weekly basis for all pathways, with an option to provide additional sessions out of normal working hours; evening and weekends). This provision will support adherence to the 6-week diagnostic standard.<br/><br/>The supplier will be working from the main HUTHT sites (Hull Royal Infirmary, HRI or Castle Hill Hospital, CHH). This will be managed flexibly depending on capacity needs. There may also be a requirement to work from one of the bowel screening sites; this will be agreed in advance.<br/><br/>Days/ time of operation: General session hours are between 9am-5pm 7 days per week. Evening hours are from 5pm onwards. The operational teams will confirm the clinic hours / days per week. This will be flexible to allow the service to match changes in demand.<br/><br/>The provider will be required to supply a list of staff and their CVs prior to the start of the contract for HUTHT to approve. <br/><br/>The provider will ensure that any staff they provide are suitably qualified and registered and currently hold a substantive NHS post, are JAG accredited consultants with a CCT and GMC specialist registration and will be vetted by the provider. They must be appropriately trained and are fully vetted by the provider, having successfully undergone and passed through recruitment employment check processes and clearances (including DBS checks, IR35 Legislation, Reference checks etc.)<br/><br/>Half day sessions will be booked to 12 points:<br/>• Oesophago-gastroduodenoscopy (OGD) – 1 point<br/>• Colonoscopy – 2 points<br/>• Bowel screening – 3 points<br/>The provider is requested to offer up to 20 session per week (50 weeks per year).


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4 months ago

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3 months ago

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Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Neil Dodds

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