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Neath Port Talbot and Swansea Substance Use (Drug & Alcohol) Alliance



The Western Bay Planning Board is seeking a partnership of providers to work collaboratively with to transform drug and alcohol clinical and support services across Swansea and Neath Port Talbot. Further details are set out in section II.2.4 below. Lot 1: The Western Bay Area Planning Board is a collaboration of partners who come together at a regional level to enable the planning, commissioning and delivery of substance use services. Members include Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council (procurement lead), Swansea City and County Council, Swansea Bay University Health Board, His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service Wales, Police and Crime Commissioner for South Wales, South Wales Police and Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue. The Western Bay Area Planning Board is seeking to work collaboratively with a partnership of providers to form an Alliance and radically transform drug and alcohol clinical and support services across Swansea and Neath Port Talbot for all people of all ages. Request to participate are invited from providers that mirror our commitment to prevention and early intervention, as well as to leading the way with clinical interventions and rapid access to prescribing for people. Our services will need to be based on collaborative working, championing people’s voices, and co-design and co-production. We want to hear from forward-looking providers, be they statutory, community and voluntary sector or private sector. We are especially interested in user led and community-based organisations, and we are keen to hear from any groups of providers who can demonstrate to us that they are committed to improving the lives and experiences of people. We are looking for a group of providers who can work together to provide joined-up services for people. They will take responsibility for creating, leading and co-ordinating the collaboration of partners and the ways of working together in the future. We know that we need different skills and ideas and would like to make as much local impact as possible through this alliance to support our local economy and supply chains. We value diversity and expect providers will be a mix of large and small organisations, some or all ideally with a local presence in and knowledge of Swansea and Neath Port Talbot. Neath Port Talbot Council as lead anticipate that each Provider Group will be made up of a number of Provider Participants, each individually providing its expertise in contributing to the delivery of the Alliance Objectives. For the avoidance of any doubt, the Council only require the Provider Group to be formed for the purposes of this procurement process to demonstrate collaborative working and that as a combined group it can provide the required coverage of services. If a Provider Group is identified as a Successful Tenderer, the expectation is that each individual Provider Participant will individually enter into the Alliance Agreement. This approach is central to vision of the Alliance to foster a true collaboration of individual organisations. There may be TUPE implications. The intended procurement procedure is analogous to a competitive dialogue procedure but in accordance with the light touch regime classification for these services the contracting authority is not bound by this and reserves the right to vary or amend the process at any time. We expect the contract will commence from Nov 2025. The Alliance Agreement will be for a maximum of 10 years consisting of an initial period of 3 years (with an option to extend for a further period(s) of up to 3+3+1 years). It should be noted that the term of the Alliance Agreement is subject to the Alliance securing its Funding on an annual basis) and the terms and conditions of the Alliance Agreement, which allows for the early termination of the Alliance Agreement if the Funding cannot be secured at the annual review. The estimated contract value identified at section II.1.5 is not guaranteed and is subject to securing funding on an annual basis.. The provider group shall demonstrate how they will work with Swansea Bay University HB and other contracted providers of clinical services and with two Local Authorities for elements of social care provision. The clinical and social care elements are NOT in scope for this tender, but details are provided for information purposes to aid providers approach in working with these partners.


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