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Rotunda Refurbishment



300,000 GBP


A public realm project to remodel and refurbish the Rotunda seating area that sits at the head of the High St in Westbury town centre. This is intended to be the first public realm improvement in the wider strategy to regenerate Westbury Town centre - A Vision for Westbury. The works include the demolition of most of the existing brick walls above ground, taking care to preserve footings for the new stonework to be installed in its place. A lowering of levels will allow for greater access Show less description into the space and views to be opened up. A robust palette of materials is proposed to take the place of the deteriorated brickwork. The reuse of foundations and any aggregates and sub base materials is requested to reduce arisings from the site. Stone work is to be cut to measurements by the supplier away from site and delivered fully worked, and installed as per the drawings. The existing soft landscape is to be reduced and converted into a rain garden tree pit - retrofitted around the exiting trees rootzone. The methodology for this can be developed and agreed upon with the project landscape architect. Tenders to be posted to Westbury Town Council clearly marked ...Rotunda Tender. To reach Westbury Town Council no later 22nd October 2024 5.00pm for further information please contact Ben Griffiths


Publish date

6 months ago

Close date

4 months ago

Buyer information

Westbury Town Council

Ben Griffiths

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