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Adult Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Service (NL, NEL, York & North Yorkshire)



City Health Care Partnership CIC


1,029,450 GBP


Provision of a specialist Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) / Chronic Fatigue Service (CFS) across the North Lincolnshire, North-East Lincolnshire, York and North Yorkshire excluding Harrogate and Rural District. The service includes: • comprehensive and holistic assessment of need of people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (PwME/CFS). • development, implementation and evaluation of treatment plans in collaboration with the individual and all agencies involved in their care. • provision of assessments and interventions directed by evidence-based practice. • advice and guidance to primary care professionals if there is uncertainty about interpreting signs and symptoms in indivdual's at 3 months and whether further investigations are needed. • provide a specialist service for PwME/CFS and support local clinicians in the continued management of the condition, either by providing specialist services themselves or guidance and support to enable people with ME/CFS to access mainstream services as appropriate. Primary care, social care/ employment/ housing or benefits staff as appropriate should continue to be involved whilst the PwME/CFS is seen within the specialist service to ensure continuity of care and a seamless service upon discharge. • Support commissioners in ensuring that NICE guidelines for people with ME/CFS are implemented. Lot 1: Provision of an equitable specialist Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) / Chronic Fatigue Service (CFS) across the North Lincolnshire, North-East Lincolnshire, York and North Yorkshire excluding Harrogate and Rural District. The service includes: • comprehensive and holistic assessment of need of people with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (PwME/CFS). • development, implementation and evaluation of treatment plans in collaboration with the individual and all agencies involved in their care. • provision of assessments and interventions directed by evidence-based practice. • advice and guidance to primary care professionals if there is uncertainty about interpreting signs and symptoms in indivdual's at 3 months and whether further investigations are needed. • provide a specialist service for PwME/CFS and support local clinicians in the continued management of the condition, either by providing specialist services themselves or guidance and support to enable people with ME/CFS to access mainstream services as appropriate. Primary care, social care/ employment/ housing or benefits staff as appropriate should continue to be involved whilst the PwME/CFS is seen within the specialist service to ensure continuity of care and a seamless service upon discharge. • Support commissioners in ensuring that NICE guidelines for people with ME/CFS are implemented. NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB is intending to award a contract an existing provider following direct award process C of The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. Approximate lifetime value of the contract is £1,029,450 Contract term - 01/04/2025 - 31/03/2030


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