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Market Engagement Event - Affordable Residential Scheme (78 Homes) on Booth Street, Stoke-on-Trent



13,000,000 GBP


Stoke-on-Trent City Council is currently preparing to initiate a procurement process to appoint a principle contractor to the affordable residential scheme on Booth Street. Stoke-on-Trent City Council wish to carry out pre-market engagement with interested suppliers to investigate the current market capabilities and gain knowledge from existing experiences which may assist informing the council in the development of the sourcing strategy. The current proposals show an affordable residential scheme of 78 new homes. The homes will be a mix of 58nr 1- and 2-bedroom apartments and 20nr 4-bedroom houses. The proposals will include allocated private parking for the scheme and open space area for the scheme complimenting the park to the rear. The scheme will be led by Stoke-on-Trent City Council with the intention of providing much need affordable housing to the town centre and wider City, based on housing need. The scheme will be modern, incorporating renewable technology, however designed to be sympathetic and complementary to the surrounding environment. Subject to planning and procurement the scheme is currently forecast to commence in June 2025 and the final completion in January 2027 Interested parties are invited to join a 1hr engagement event via MS Team at 11:00 30/10/24 with members of the councils Procurement Team and Housing Development Projects present to discuss the opportunity further as well as completing a short questionnaire. Interested parties should contact by 5pm 28/10/24 to register their interest. Lot 1: One of the purposes of the Market Engagement Event is to aid the decision in choosing the correct route to market though participants feedback.


Publish date

5 months ago

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Stoke-on-Trent City Council

william stuart

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