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Framework Agreement for the Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Hoarding and Graphics Services



The Council has a need for hoarding supply, installation and maintenance, alongside graphics design, printing and installation to support its portfolio of vacant development sites.  All works under this framework will fall within the West Northamptonshire Local Authority Area.  WNC is seeking to establish a framework agreement across two (2) lots. Each lot will have 2 suppliers awarded to it under the framework. These will be the two highest scoring bidders for each lot from this tender. The tender is split into two lots: • Lot 1 - The Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Hoarding • Lot 2 - Graphics Design, Print and Installation Services When ordering Services under the Framework Agreement from either lot, the Authority shall: a. identify the relevant Lot which its Works/Services requirements fall into; b. send an Order to the Framework Provider ranked highest following the evaluation of its Tender; c. if the Framework Provider who was ranked highest is not able to provide the Works/Services, send an Order to the Framework Provider ranked next highest); The framework is for the use of West Northamptonshire Council only. There will be no guarantee of work or volume of work to be given under this contract for either of the lots. Suppliers can tender for one or more lots. The Authority intends to conduct a competition following the restricted procedure. Suppliers are invited to complete the SQ and to submit it. The Authority proposes to invite up to 5 Suppliers for each lot with the highest scoring compliant SQ submission to the tender stage. Full details relating to the works are provided in the tender documents.  Total contract value: Lot 1 = £400,000 Lot 2 = £200,000 Variant bids not offered. The Authority proposes to establish a framework agreement across two (2) lots for a period of 24 months with an option to extend for a further 12 months, making 36 months in total. The Authority proposes to call off against Lot 1 and Lot 2 for each individual requirement for works/services. The duration of the call off will be the duration until the works/services are complete. The anticipated start date is 23rd June 2025 If your organisation wishes to participate in this process, you need to register with In-Tend Portal. You will be unable to take part if you do not register. Please use the link below and follow the instructions on the website: Supplier Questionnaires must be returned via the Portal. The return date is midday on Friday 28th February 2024. Submissions received after this time and date will not be accepted.


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West Northamptonshire Council


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