Acquisition of 1 small Fast Rescue Boats (FRB) For the Danish Coastal Rescue Service
As a part of a renewal process of the Danish Coastal Rescue Service fleet of search and rescue vessels, DALO intends to enter into a contract regarding acquisition of one (1) small fast rescue boat (FRB) for the Danish Coastal Rescue Service. The FRB to be acquired under this contract shall replace one (1) boat. One (1) initial package of spare parts are also part of the delivery. As part of this tender, the tenderer are required to make an similar boat available for a user evaluation test in connection with the evaluation of the tenderers best and final offer (BAFO). Lot 1: The FRB is supposed to be a fixed hull with foam filled fender, with two independent outboard diesel engines. The FRB shall be built for a crew of 4, and 6 passengers. The FRB shall be able to operate as on scene coordinator platform, (OSC) with the specified communication equipment. The FRB shall be able to support treatment, and transport of an injured person on a stretcher. The FRB shall be delivered with a trailer suitable for handling the boat on the beach, towed by a tractor, on the beach. It shall be possible to hoist an injured person to helicopter while the boat is at sea. The FRB shall be fitted with shock mitigating seats for the crew. The FRB shall be built with a crew shelter, for weather protection of the crew, but must also ensure a good view during search operations. The FRB shall have storage facilities for rescue gear, stretcher, towing rope, paddles and life vests. The FRB shall be built for an anticipated service life of 20 years with 200 operating hours per year The FRB crew is normally wearing immersion suits and gloves while operating the FRB, the boat must be suitable for this. The trailer will be used to launch the FRB into water, on sandy and wet beach. The trailer will be submerged in seawater when launching the FRB. The trailer is only used for short transportation and launching of the FRB around the island of Fanoe. The height of the door to the garage for trailer and boat is 3,2 meters. The FRB shall also in case of capsizing, be self-righting, functioning and be able to operate safely following a 180 degree capsize The FRB shall be approved for use under civilian rules and regulations by Danish Maritime Authority (DMA) The FRB shall be equipped with radar and Max Sea Time Zero navigational software running on two separate computer systems. The sea charts shall be interfaced with AIS and GPS, echo sunder and FLIR. The Time Zero software will be provided by DALO. Please see the document “Additional information”, which is located at the ETHICS-webportal, cf. section I.3), for further information regarding additional information in the tender procedure.
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation
- Contact:
- Martin Sigsgaard Gustavson
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