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9369 Framework Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of Horticultural Supplies



The Framework Agreement will be split into the Lots detailed below and as detailed in the attached specification: Lot 1 – Bulk items including top soil, sand and playbark Lot 2 – Chemicals including herbicides, fungicides, marking out paint Lot 3 – Seed including grass seed and wild flower seed Lot 4 – Bagged items such as peat free compost, fertilizer, rock salt The Council is currently looking for a supplier to deliver this material at a number of sites across the Borough throughout the year. The ability to deliver this material quickly will be taken into account when choosing a successful supplier. As the Council does not have the resources to have staff on the numerous sites to await delivery, local knowledge of sites is desirable and will be taken into account. Lot 1: Lot 1 – Bulk items including top soil, sand and playbark This Lot covers the supply and delivery of various items including: Topsoil - Grade 1 sterilised and screened to meet BS3882 Sand - Medium grade top dressing sand , lime free. Loose Play Sand- rounded particle sizes between 0.2mm-2.0mm. To meet BS EN1177 Playbark, predominantly pine bark, free of dust and fines with less than 2.5% wood content by volume. BS EN1177 Landscaping Forest Bark. Chip size 8-40mm Lot 2: Lot 2 – Chemicals including herbicides, fungicides, marking out paint This Lot includes the supply and delivery of various items including: Roundup Proactive 360 herbicide. 5 litre tubs. Chikara Residual Herbicide. 150g tubs Impact XP Line marking paint. Ready to use. 10 litre tubs. Nomix Hilite Herbicide Lot 3: Lot 3 – Seed including grass seed and wild flower seed The Lot includes the Supply and Delivery of various items including: 100% Perennial Ryegrass Blend, treated with a seed coating to maximise seedling development and establishment 100% Ultra-Fine Dwarf Rye, treated with a seed coating to maximise seedling development and establishment Wildflower and Grass Seed Mixtures. Various. Lot 4: Lot 4 – Bagged items such as peat free compost, fertilizer, rock salt This Lot includes the Supply and Delivery of various items including: General Purpose Peat Free Compost. 50/60 litre bags High K fertilizer with Iron, Calcium and Magnesium. 20/25kg bags Bowling Green Top Dressing Sterilised 70% Sand 30% Soil. 20/25 kg bags. Rock Salt - white


Publish date

9 months ago

Close date

8 months ago

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Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council

Miss Kelly Black

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