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Pre de L'Aumone Housing Estate Refurbishment



The States of Guernsey through the States Property Unit and ESS States Housing are seeking Expressions of Interest from suppliers capable of providing Property Refurbishment, including Door and Windows, External Insulation, Soffits, Rainwater Goods and Structural repairs. Pre de L’Aumone Estate is a mix of 2 bed and 3 bed properties built around 1953. They are constructed of brick with a small cavity between, which has subsequently been filled with loose Rockwool insulation. The majority of the windows and doors are over 25 years old and are expensive to repair because parts are difficult to obtain, and the existing units have reached the end of their useful life. The Committee for Employment & Social Security (CESS) (client) wish to explore options to replace the windows/ doors, improve the thermal performance of these properties, reduce heat loss, reduce reactive maintenance, and improve the appearance of the Estate. The work will be carried out whilst the properties remain occupied, therefore, tenant liaison and additional precautions will need to be carried out throughout. Tenderers will need to demonstrate similar project management and occupier liaison.


Publish date

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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