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Industrial Decarbonisation Market Mechanisms Regulatory Support 24-28



8,000,000 GBP


The Environment Agency’s Climate Change Trading and Regulatory Services Team (CCTRS) regulate and administer various UK Government and International climate change policies. We are seeking to put a suitable call off contract(s) for consultants with skills, knowledge and experience to support our operational activities over the next four years to maintain both our current operational activities and enable us to plan and deliver for the future. This will include roles across a range of consultant grades dependent on the depth of skills and knowledge required. This could include working with Government departments to inform policy development and ensuring its translation into effective operational activities. We are looking for consultants who have relevant understanding and experience across a range of sectors that are obligated under various Industrial Decarbonisation Market Mechanisms and regulations.<br/>The regimes we currently regulate include:<br/>• Climate Change Agreements (CCAs)<br/>• Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) <br/>• UK Emissions Trading System (UKETS) for aviation and installations, including managing the UKETS Registry<br/>• Fluorinated gases and ozone-depleting substances<br/>• The Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)<br/><br/>We are in the process of developing and extending our regulatory portfolio to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase energy efficiency. This includes:<br/>• Extension and expansion of the current regimes<br/>• Implementing the new Clean Heat Market Mechanism (CHMM)<br/>• Supporting government departments in the consideration and design of future regimes.<br/><br/><br/>There may be other regimes that we bring in during the lifetime of the contract. Lot 1: Lot 1 - Our 'business as usual' activities Lot 1 - Our 'business as usual' activities (permitting, account opening and assessing reports from businesses such as energy data, emissions data, annual reports) Additional information: For Lot 1 our ‘business as usual’ activities, the work will be dependent on each regime. The main work areas include permitting, account opening and assessing reports from businesses such as energy data, emissions data, and annual reports. Detailed below is a summary of the types of activities we undertake, although this list is not exhaustive:<br/><br/>• Determination of New Permits, Underlying Agreements, Registrations and Applications, Offsetting Obligations.<br/>• Determination of subsequent Variations and Transfers Applications, Assess the eligibility of new facilities being added to agreements <br/>• Review annual reports, monitoring plans, methodology plans, improvement reports, licence applications. <br/>• Assessment of data submissions, process target period report submissions<br/>• Undertake due diligence checks and assessments<br/>• Respond to technical queries and produce technical guidance<br/>• Submission of data to meet UK and International requirements<br/><br/>Skills and expertise required: <br/><br/>We are looking for suppliers who can provide consultants that are qualified to a degree level (or have significant experience) in a relevant field and have experience of working with relevant sectors or organisations in one or more of the following areas; energy management, climate change regimes, other environmental regulation and permitting experience. Lot 2: Lot 2 - Auditing Lot 2, our audit work, is to ensure a participant, sector or operator is compliant with the relevant regulations. Our work also involves completing audits to review the accreditation of the professional bodies for ESOS. Additional information: Skills and expertise required: <br/><br/>We are looking for suppliers who can provide consultants that are qualified to a degree level (or have significant experience) in a relevant field, have experience of working with relevant sectors, a high degree of knowledge of industrial processes and have experience of delivering detailed energy or emissions audits. For our ESOS audits, consultant must be an approved lead assessor for ESOS and have undertaken several ESOS compliance assessments for a range of companies in different sectors. <br/><br/>This lot may be awarded to up to two suppliers. Lot 3: Lot 3 - Expert technical advice Lot 3, where specific technical advice will be sought. For example, we might want to seek independent expertise to validate an operator’s request, we might need specific advice on a particular sector, or a particular process undertaken by an operator under any of our regimes, we might want independent advice on guidance we intend to publish. Additional information: Skills and expertise required: <br/><br/>We are looking for suppliers who can provide consultants that are qualified to a degree level (or have significant experience) in a relevant field, have the technical skills and experience of working with relevant operators and sectors and a high degree of knowledge of industrial processes and operations relevant to the regimes we regulate.


Publish date

11 months ago

Buyer information

Environment Agency

Pippa Hicks

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