Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting
In relation to upgrade of the HVDC link KontiSkan 2 at substation Vester Hassing, delivered by ABB Ludvika 1987. The converter transformers for KontiSkan 2 need to be upgraded to increase the lifetime of the transformers of further 20 years. Energinet.dk wants to initiate negotiations regarding KS 2 — Converter transformers upgrade for substation Vester Hassing. Purpose: In relation to upgrade of the HVDC link KontiSkan 2 at substation Vester Hassing, originally delivered by ABB Ludvika in 1987. The converter transformers for KontiSkan 2 need to be upgraded to increase the lifetime of the transformers of further 20 years. Main deliveries: The main scope of this tender is to purchase and replace 6 400 kV AC site converter transformer bushings, 6 valve site converter transformer bushings and one neutral converter transformer bushing. In addition to this, the tenderer shall supply the offer with separated prices for option 2 for: — 1 extra AC site converter transformer bushings, — 1 extra valve site converter transformer bushings, — 1 extra neutral converter transformer bushing. The tenderer is to supply a supervisor to have responsibility for the complete transformer upgrade. The services include: — Repair of Core Clamping in one of the transformers. — Regeneration, pumping and storing of transformer oil. — Replacement of gaskets, oil valves (smaller than 2”) and flanges on the transformers and the cooling system. Expected time schedule: Delivery of the transformer bushings for the first converter transformer is August 2017 and for the second converter transformer is August 2018. Installation of transformer bushings and services for the first converter transformer is September 2017 and for the second converter transformer is September 2018.
Publish date
8 years ago
Close date
8 years ago
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- indkob@energinet.dk
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