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NHS London Procurement Partnership (NHS LPP) has procured a framework for the supply of medical gases and associated items/services. The framework is to operate across the UK and will be open to all UK public sector bodies to access via a signed access agreement. For a full list of Participating Authorities refer to document Appendix A9 in the tender pack.<br/><br/>The framework is a collaborative procurement with four NHS procurement hubs (known as NHS Procurement in Partnership (NHS PiP)). The procurement hubs are listed below in alphabetical order:<br/>1. East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement hub<br/>2. NHS Commercial Solutions<br/>3. NHS London Procurement Partnership<br/>4. North of England NHS Commercial Procurement Collaborative<br/><br/>The procurement has established a national Framework Agreement which will run for a 4 year period. This will be delivered through four Lots which are:<br/>• the provision of liquid medical oxygen<br/>• medical gas cylinders with associated tracking<br/>• nitric oxide therapy<br/>• national ambulance service medical gas cylinders Lot 1: Lot 1 - Bulk Medical Liquid Oxygen Lot 1 of the TPGS framework involves the supply of Medical Liquid Oxygen, storage equipment and any other ancillaries and associated products in accordance with all statutory regulations. The general requirements include the supply and installation of Vacuum Insulated Evaporators (VIE), all associated equipment including but not limited to vaporising sets, telemetry and back-up facility, rental, depreciation and maintenance of the VIE(s) in addition to the supply of Medical Liquid Oxygen. <br/><br/>Call off contracts can only be awarded under Lot 1 via a further competition exercise. Additional information: The estimated value of the framework lot is provided solely for informational purposes and should be understood as an estimate. There is no commitment to spend any amount under this framework or lot, and actual expenditure may vary based on needs and circumstances. Lot 2: Lot 2 - Medical Gas cylinders and associated cylinder tracking (Hospitals) Lot 2 of the TPGS framework involves the supply of a specified selection of medical gases in appropriate cylinders to eligible Participating Authorities. The lot includes associated services such as delivery, collection, maintenance, cylinder tracking and audit. <br/><br/>Call off contracts can be awarded via Direct Award of Further Competition procedures. Additional information: The estimated value of the framework lot is provided solely for informational purposes and should be understood as an estimate. There is no commitment to spend any amount under this framework or lot, and actual expenditure may vary based on needs and circumstances. Lot 3: Lot 3 - Nitric Oxide Therapy Lot 3 of the TPGS framework involves the supply of medical grade Nitric Oxide gas cylinders together with equipment required to deliver Nitric Oxide therapy within eligible Hospital environments. The lot includes associated services such as delivery, collection, maintenance, cylinder tracking and audit. <br/><br/>Call off contracts can be awarded via Direct Award or Further Competition procedures. Additional information: The estimated value of the framework lot is provided solely for informational purposes and should be understood as an estimate. There is no commitment to spend any amount under this framework or lot, and actual expenditure may vary based on needs and circumstances. Lot 4: Lot 4 - Ambulance Medical Gas Cylinders supply and associated tracking systems Lot 4 of the TPGS framework involves the supply of medical gas cylinders to specific sites within the UK for use within an Ambulance service clinical environment.<br/><br/>Call off contracts can be awarded via Direct Award or Further Competition procedures. Additional information: The estimated value of the framework lot is provided solely for informational purposes and should be understood as an estimate. There is no commitment to spend any amount under this framework or lot, and actual expenditure may vary based on needs and circumstances.


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Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

Jas Khambh

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