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Professional Services Framework



76,500,000 GBP


Wealden District Council are seeking to establish a framework for the appointment of professional services consultants to support the delivery of corporate, strategic and capital construction projects. The Council is looking to appoint a wide variety of experienced Consultants to the framework. This framework is targeted for use by the district and borough Councils in East Sussex: Wealden District Council, Rother District Council, Lewes District Council, Eastbourne Borough Council, and Hastings Borough Council. The framework will be divided into lots for the following consultants: (1) Architect Services, (2) Mechanical and Electrical, (3) Civil & Structural Engineers, (4) Quantity Surveyor,(5) Employers Agent Services, (6) Project Management, (7) Clerk of Works, (8) Archaeological and Heritage Consultant, (9) Landscape Architects Services, (10) Planning Consultant, (11) Transport Consultant, (12) Building Surveyors, (13) Ground Investigation, (14) Ecological Survey Services, and (15) Hydrology Consultant Services Lot 1: Architect Services Consultant architects will be required to provide services as described in the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Plan of Work. - RIBA stage 0/1 to help the Council determine the viability of a project. - RIBA stages 2 to 4 to develop a project in sufficient detail to issue tender documents for a build contract award. To include the role of Principle Designer (CDM & Building Safety Act). - Consultant services for RIBA stages 5 to 7, this may include novation to a design and build contractor or being retained to provide client support Lot 2: Mechanical and Electrical Services Consultants Consultant's will be required to provide M & E services to align with the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Plan of Work. - Advisory services; - Design management; - Planning, analyses and programming; - Integration; - Project administration and project management; - Technical construction management; - Validation and verification; - Status control; - Facility management; - Post occupancy evaluation; - Technical due diligence; - Field studies; Lot 3: Civil and Structural Engineering Civil and Structural Engineers are required to provide services required to progress a development project.Appointments will be based on the RIBA Plan of Work and will vary according to individual project requirements. To include but not limited to: - RIBA stage 0/1 to help the Council determine the viability of a project; - RIBA stages 2 to 4 to develop a project in sufficient detail to issue tender documents for a build contract award; - Feasibility studies; - Detailed design; - Preparation of construction drawings; - Production of tender documents; - Construction supervision and administration and final approval of the works; - Design of roads, highways and drainage schemes including hydraulic modelling and simulation of storm events, SuDS design etc; - Submission to the Highway Authority for technical approval and incorporation into the relevant sectional agreement (eg Section 38, Section 278, Section 104); - Consultant services for RIBA stages 5 to 7 may include. This may include novation to a design and build contractor or being retained to provide client support. Lot 4: Quantity Surveyor Services Consultant quantity surveyors will be required to provide cost management services in accordance with those published by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Scope of Services (May 2022) and subsequent revisions. To include but not limited to: - General; - Enabling Works; - Health and Safety; - Project Costs; - Contracts Related Services; - Tendering and Procurement Services (based upon single and 2 stage design and build forms of JCT contracts); - Construction Phase Services; - Additional Construction Phase Services - Design and Build Contracts; - Contractual - RIBA stage 0/1 to help the Council determine the viability of a project; - RIBA stages 2 to 4 to develop a project cost plan in sufficient detail to issue tender documents for a build contract award; - Consultant services for RIBA stages 5 to 7 may varye. This may include novation to a design and build contractor or being retained to provide client QS support. Lot 5: Employers Agent Services Consultant's will be required to provide Employer's Agent services for Design and Build contracts, as described in the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Employer's Agent Scope of Services. The employer's agent may be required to provide the services of Principal Designer and fully discharge responsibilities described in the Construction Design and Management Regulations 2015. Lot 6: Project Management Consultant Consultant's will be required to provide services as described in the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Scope of Services for Project Managers, including but not limited to: - General; - Project Brief and Design; - Procurement; - Construction; - Building Information Management (BIM). Lot 7: Clerk of Works Inspecting construction work ensuring it complies with specifications and drawings. Measuring and quality checking materials used on site. Identification of defects and remedial measures. Fortnightly monitoring of progress on site and issue of reports. Maintaining detailed records of work. Referring to plans, photographic records of work together with sampling and measurement as required by the contract. Liaising with the contractors and design team. Compliance with health & safety, building regulations, legal and ecological requirements. Management of latent defects. Any further inspections, attendants and service over and above that stated in the scope of service above. Lot 8: Archaeology and Heritage Consultant Services Archaeological and Heritage Desk Based Assessment and Site Visit: known and potential archaeological and heritage (including Conservation Area and Listed Buildings) resources within the proposed development area plus an appropriate buffer to assess the immediate context; Reference to all relevant and available sources to identify heritage assets, assess their significance and the potential to identify previously unrecorded archaeological remains; Identification of the potential for impacts on and around the site on archaeological remains, undesignated built heritage, historic landscape and the potential effects on the setting of the surrounding designated heritage assets; Site visit assessment, including source information from records offices; Consultation with the County Archaeologist to determine whether additional assessments and surveys are required, and to explore the scope and timing of any such works; Consultation with Historic England, if required. Lot 9: Consultant Landscape Architect Consultant landscape architects will be required to provide services following the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Plan of Work. RIBA stages 2 to 4 - working with other members of the design team: develop landscape proposals in sufficient detail to satisfy local planning authority requirements; prepare proposals that are affordable within the cost plan; prepare tender documents for a build contract award. RIBA stages 5 to 7 - Landscape Consultant services Lot 10: Planning Consultant Services Planning Consultants are required to provide services as part of a larger design team to inform the preparation of the documentation required to gain planning permission. To include but not limited to: Planning and development advice to deliver planning permission; Strategic site promotion through the development plan making process; Preparation, negotiation and management of planning applications; Project management of the planning application process; Planning Applications; Appeals Changes of Use; Development Appraisals; Strategic Site Development Briefs; S.73 Applications; Neighbourhood Plans; Funding Bids; Design and Access Statements; Pre-Application Advice; Lawful Development Certificates; Development Plan Reps; Public Engagement. Lot 11: Transport Consultant Services The highways Consultant will be required to provide services as part of a larger design team to inform the preparation of the documentation required to gain planning permission. Including but not limited to: Transport Assessments; Transport Statements; Traffic Impact Assessments; Travel Plan Co-ordinator Role; Travel Plans; BREEAM Travel Plans; BREEAM Travel Statements; Road Safety Audits; Highway Condition Surveys; Vehicular Access Design and Swept Path Analysis (Tracking); Input to Environmental Impact Assessments. Lot 12: Building Surveyors Consultant building surveyors may be required to provide the following, not limited to, services: Condition surveys; Dilapidation surveys; Measured surveys & CAD plans;Party Wall Agreements. Lot 13: Ground Investigation Services Site survey services will be required to inform ongoing project work. Appointments will vary according to individual project requirements, but services required include, but are not limited to: Desk based site investigations to include UXO; On site intrusive ground investigations; GPR Surveys; Contamination surveys and reports. Lot 14: Consultant ecologists will be required to provide services to assist with the assessment, recommendations and action plans required to discharge all planning conditions and to ensure a scheme's compliance with required policies, including but not limited to: Preliminary Ecological Appraisals; Stage 2 survey work; Further ecological works including scheme reviews; BNG calculations and work required to deliver BNG either onsite or offsite. Lot 15: Flood Risk Assessment Services Flood Risk Assessment: Identify and assess the flood risks associated with the proposed development; Evaluate the potential impacts of the development on local flood risk; Ensure that the development complies with the local planning authority's planning policies and relevant regulations; Propose effective flood risk management and mitigation measures. Comprehensive Report detailing: flood risk findings and proposed mitigation measures; Maps and diagrams illustrating flood risk zones, proposed development layout, and drainage solutions; A summary of compliance with the local planning authority's flood risk management policies and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Additional flood risk assessment services as necessary.


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Wealden District Council

Stephen Bottomley

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