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All-Aged Carers



1,705,900 GBP


This service provides support to carers of all ages, ensuring that carers are recognised, valued, and supported around: Their own health and wellbeing as a priority Fulfilling their educational and employment potential Maximising their income Information and support in case of emergencies This will be accomplished through a variety of activities including Early identification of Carers Emotional and Psychological support for Carers Awareness raising and collaborative working with key stakeholders (Health, Social Care, Education etc.) Information, Advice, Guidance and Training Specialist support for carers who are caring for people with complex needs A focus on prevention and targeted support for carers who are at risk of Domestic Abuse Young Carers Assessments for Young Carers (Adult Carer assessments are conducted by an in-house team) Contingency Planning and Support Respite Care for Adult Carers As a result, carers can maintain their caring role for longer, delaying the need for individuals requiring higher cost and longer-term adult social care. Following feedback gathered from key stakeholders, service users, and families through the development of the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Carers Strategy 2023-2026 the following strategic intentions have been formed: Strategic Intention 1a: Reaching and Identifying Young Carers Strategic Intention 1b: Reaching and Identifying Parent Carers Strategic Intention 2: Young Carers are supported when moving into adulthood Strategic Intention 3: Supporting Carers at risk of domestic abuse Strategic Intention 4: Supporting the emotional and psychological wellbeing of carers Strategic Intention 5: Joint working across health and social care for all Carers Strategic Intention 6: Ensuring easy access to information The successful provider will be expected to assist, where possible, the council to achieve these goals. They will also be an important voice in the creation of a revised strategy during the contracts term The tender will be divided into the following Lots, with a separate contract for each lot: Lot 1 - Adult Carers Lot 2 - Young Carers The Authority proposes to enter into two Contracts (one for each lot) for a maximum period of 36 months (3 years), and two 12-month extensions options (up to a maximum contract length of 5 years), with the successful Bidders. The anticipated service commencement date for both lots is 1st August 2025 which may be subject to change dependent on the Authority's governance and requirements. Lots: Lot 1: Adult Carers To provide an integrated support service to adult carers, parent carers, young adult carers and carers of adults with mental health conditions in partnership with carers themselves, their families, their local communities and neighbours and other statutory, voluntary, and commercial organisations across Peterborough. This service will fulfil the statutory requirement to identify adult carers needing support and proactively support adult carers in their caring role as outlined in PCC All-Age Carers Strategy 2022-26. This support will take a preventative approach by providing information and effective, preventative support services that reduce or prevent the likelihood of carer crisis and family breakdown, whilst improving the overall quality of unpaid carers lives. This contract will contribute to the sector wide approach by supporting carers to overcome the negative impacts of their caring roles while aspiring to the same future life opportunities as their peers. The service and the provider will have good working relationships with health and social care organisations, local agencies/services, the voluntary sector, community groups and local networks. People know about the service and find it easy to use if they need it. Providers must promote and develop a high level of service awareness amongst eligible service users and associated stakeholders. The service aims to provide a community-based service offer, delivering excellent value and generating efficiencies through a range of options that include integrated working with other services This service must:  Provide value for money evidenced through open book accounting.   Evidence effectiveness of outcomes.   Ensure continuous improvements in services are achieved  Deliver these services in the heart of communities across Peterborough Value: 1140900 GBP Lot 2: Young Carers To deliver a holistic and accessible Young Carer service across Peterborough that prioritises the statutory duty of identifying Young Carers and assesses Young Carers' needs. This service will respond to these needs with support activities that are influenced by Young Carers' choices and works in close partnership with education settings, agencies and communities. To apply the principles of shared decision making with Young Carers and their family; interagency working and effective collaborations with clear communications, referral processes and capturing, analysing and sharing outcomes data that continually informs practice and service delivery To demonstrate the social and economic value of services provided through a mix of robust evaluation measures, accurate carer data and carer stories. To improve, innovate and evidence the impact and effectiveness of Young Carer services throughout the life of this contract, especially where there are significant challenges and issues for example, young people who tend to avoid identifying themselves as carers when parent are misusers of substances. To identify Young Carers from Seldom Heard Communities. To work with commissioners to show how spending is used to generate social value in addition to the young carer services that it contracts. Value: 565000 GBP


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Peterborough City Council

Helen Davies

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