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Embedded Workers in Community Mental Health Teams and Safe Haven provision



Buckinghamshire Mind


636,944 GBP


Recovery workers will engage patients by identifying recovery focused groups that patients can attend whilst under CMHT care as well as post discharge from secondary care. Support patients to engage with the wide-ranging sources of support in the community to help deliver their treatment plan cia signposting. Information and Options worksers will support CMHTs to enable patient to transition from secondary care into community provision by informing them of, and supporting them to engage with, local services, organisations and provision. Staff will enable the delivery of a county wide Information and Options Service within CMHT. Perinatal community support worker will work as part of the Perinatal MH team providing preconception advice for women with history of mental health illness themselves or in their family, referrals of pregnant or postpartum women who have moderate to sever mental health diagnosis. Safe Haven will offer a welcoming, safe, friendly and non-stigmatising environment for people to access in times of crisis and as an alternative to ED, or secondary MH care. Lot 1: Intending to award a contract to an existing provider following Direct Award Process C. Oxford Health considers that the existing provider is satisfying the existing contract and will likely satisfy the proposed new contract. Oxford Health assessed the provider's service provision with respect to the key decision making criteria as outlined in the PSR. Each of these criteria were assessed on a pass/fail basis by the award decision makers, and the existing provider passed each of the criteria.


Award date

3 days ago

Publish date

a day ago

Buyer information

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust


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