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On Farm Plans Integrated with Nature (OPIN) Project Management & Implementation



360,000 GBP


Project management project implementation including specific staff resoures. Lot 1: Project management project implementation including specific staff resources. The purpose of the pilot it to test a new Natural Capital centred approach to integrated whole farm auditing that will identify synergies between management interventions that deliver public goods, sustainable food and a modern sustainable farm business. This process will go into a level of detail and breadth beyond any of the current auditing and management plans. The project will test existing audit tools, develop an audit protocol and refine specialist inputs to deliver a comprehensive and efficient audit system that breaks down silos and integrates land management, biodiversity, food production, carbon sequestration, climate adaptation and mitigation in a balanced way which protects farm incomes while delivering for natural capital. The project will take a more holistic perspective on each farm, as can be seen in the table below, which identifies what natural capital assets or aspects are audited under the existing or proposed system of agricultural support. This audit system will be trialled over 12 farms of varying size and character over a pilot project life span of 5 years. Farms will be selected by an open and transparent recruitment system. The intention is to enrol farms of over 100 acres that represent the types found in the Biosphere within Dumfries and Galloway, which is generally hill farming of sheep and/or cattle and dairy farming. We will start with one farm and build up over the life of the pilot allowing the audit tool to be tested and refined in an iterative way, ensuring that, by the end of the pilot it is a tested and proven system. Once audits are complete there is the option for farmers to ‘test’ an element of the recommendations with a small capital contribution as well as assistance in accessing existing grant systems. Both the audit and the ‘on the ground’ trialling will be subject to rigorous monitoring and evaluation to act as a comparator to the pilot’s outcomes generated by the audit, this will the further used to refine the audit process. During the life of the pilot project there will be extensive opportunities for networking and peer to peer learning within the farming and natural capital communities. It is anticipated the personnel doing the work will be required to evidence knowledge of the appropriate professional and agricultural practices. Due to the nature and geography of the project, it would be assumed a local presence and knowledge would be beneficial to project delivery. Timescales January 2025 – March 2031 Project Outputs The following measurable outputs will likely result from achieving the project outcomes: - 12 landholdings enrolled in pilot project - 1 innovative fully integrated audit tool/process - 12 On-farm Plans Integrated with Nature documents produced - 2.0 FTE jobs total - Approximately 800 hectares of land enrolled - Approximately 200 hectares of habitats improved - Increase in woodland cover, including 6 hectares of riverwoods - Improved 2.5 km of hedgerow network - Increase in grassland diversity on 50 hectares - Advisory group formed with representatives from a range of sectors that provide input into the audit and delivery process - At least annual (once multiple farms are enrolled, for a total of 4) peer-to-peer gatherings for farmers and land managers involved in the project to share best practices and skills development - Evaluation and dissemination of findings of the project’s results - A minimum of 12 landowners or land managers gain skills and knowledge transfer from being involved in the pilot project. The project team are looking for notification of interest through this platform and not to approach individuals at present. Full details will be provided at tender.. Budget (inclusive of all expenses) Project Officer Salary with inflation + on costs + associated costs (travel, PPE training + IT) (PO salary 35000.00 plus annual inflation of 3%) over 5 years = 256490.00 Project Management (5 days/month) + accommodation over 5 years = 99000.00


Publish date

3 months ago

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Dumfries and Galloway Council


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