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Dynamic Purchasing System for Taxis, Minibus and Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles



50,000,000 GBP


Caerphilly County Borough Council ('the Council') has established a Dynamic Purchasing System (‘DPS’) for high quality and cost-effective transport for taxis, minibus and wheelchair accessible vehicles. The DPS will covers services by the Integrated Transport Unit, but also makes provision to be utilised by any departments within the Council. The estimated value includes all possible extensions of up to five years. The Council has established a Dynamic Purchasing System and is managing this procurement process in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (the “Regulations”), in line with the Restricted Procedure Regulation 28 and Dynamic Purchasing Systems Regulation 34. Lot 1: Caerphilly County Borough Council ('the Council') has established a Dynamic Purchasing System (‘DPS’) for high quality and cost-effective transport for taxis, minibus and wheelchair accessible vehicles. This notice is to advise the Market that the DPS is live for new applications to join the arrangement. The DPS will covers services provided by the Integrated Transport Unit (ITU), but also makes provision to be utilised by any other departments within the Council and schools. The nature of the DPS is to provide transport routes via a broad range of appropriate vehicles. Wheelchair accessible vehicles will form part of the requirement. Service Providers are not necessarily expected to have the full range of vehicles stated. The nature of the DPS is to establish a list of providers to deliver designated taxis, minibus and wheelchair accessible vehicles to service users who are in receipt of free transport. The aim of the service is to provide safe, reliable and sensitively provided transport for service users: Safe: The safety of each service user under your care is the most important element Reliable: the correct vehicles must arrive at the right location and on time, with the correct driver and where applicable, escort Sensitively provided: Service providers and their staff should understand the needs of the service users and treat them appropriately The DPS shall cover Home to School / Social Services and any adhoc requirements for any other departments within the Council and maybe schools. Selection Criteria Providers are invited to submit a request to participate in the DPS via the e tendering system Proactis Plaza. Providers must satisfy the selection criteria in order to be admitted to the DPS. The selection criteria consists of pass / fail and information questions. Providers will be required to Pass all elements of the Selection criteria in order to be admitted to the DPS. Any Provider receiving a “Fail” will be eliminated from the process at this stage. Providers who fail to successfully meet the selection criteria, will have further opportunity to re-submit their offer during the period of validity of the DPS. Call for Further Competition Once the DPS has been established, further competitions shall be run off the DPS with all the approved service providers awarded to the DPS via the e-tendering solution. During the period of the DPS approved Service Providers will be expected to work with the Council to deliver Social Value and other initiatives. Time limits for the all contract route(s) opportunities issued under the DPS will vary depending on the requirement. Sufficient time shall be provided to all Providers awarded to the DPS when being requested to provide prices for contract route(s). Providers shall be requested to respond by a set time and date via the e-tender system, Proactis Portal. Providers will need to confirm within the Proactis Portal they are in mutual agreement for the following times for receipt of contract route(s). Normal Requirements between 5 – 10 days Urgent Requirements between 2 hours and 5 days. There will be occasions where emergencies may arise, and transport is required at short notice (e.g. same day/next day). SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS There will be circumstances in which the Council is required to make a professional judgement in matching a particular service users needs to a Service Provider. The Council reserves its right to make these professional judgements based on the needs of the service user and a confirmed need to maintain continuity or based on an individual’s particular behavioural needs. E-Auctions The Council may utilise E-Auctions The Council reserves the right to select a service provider listed within the DPS, but without competition The contract period for Individual contracts (routes) shall vary depending on the specific requirement. Full details shall be provided at the call for further competition. Full details of the DPS and its mechanism can be found in Proactis Plaza in the ITT documents. Additional information: This DPS is to replace an existing DPS and all new further competitions shall be run off this new DPS from the 01 July 2024. Initial applications have taken place. The DPS is now live for the validity period for new applications.


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Caerphilly County Borough Council

Helen Sellwood Sellwood

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