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Primary Care Partner (GP Services) for Urgent Treatment Centre



Atrumed Healthcare


1,204,272 GBP


Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust (LGT) was seeking a primary care partner for their Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) at University Hospital Lewisham This partner will provide GPs, a lead GP and streaming for the UTC. Whilst the primary care partner will provide all of the GP workforce, the delivery of the streaming provision will be split between the Trust and the provider. The UTC will be managed by LGT.<br/><br/>The anticipated Contract term: 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2030 with the ability to extend the contract by up to 60 months at the sole discretion of the Trust (in multiple periods as required by the Trust). Lot 1: Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust on behalf of Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust, (the “Authority”) conducted a competitive process for a Primary Care Partner (GP Services) for Urgent Treatment Centre in accordance with the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023.<br/><br/>The Urgent Care Centre (UCC) for Lewisham is provided by Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust (LGT) and based within University Hospital Lewisham ED. The Trust was seeking a primary care partner for their Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) at University Hospital Lewisham This partner will provide GPs, a lead GP and streaming for the UTC. Whilst the primary care partner will provide all of the GP workforce, the delivery of the streaming provision will be split between the Trust and the provider. The UTC will be managed by LGT.<br/><br/>The anticipated Contract term: 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2030 with the ability to extend the contract by up to 60 months at the sole discretion of the Trust (in multiple periods as required by the Trust).<br/><br/>The estimated lifetime value of this contract is based on the annual estimated value, the maximum contract length if all the extension options were exercised by the Trust and an assumed inflationary uplift of 2% per annum. Please note that the Trust has linked any uplift to the value of this contract to the inflationary value that it receives from its commissioners so this is an estimate and subject to change.<br/><br/>The contract value has been calculated based on an annual value of £1,204,272 over the 5-year initial term. If the extension options are exercised in full this would be a value of £12,042,720 over 10 years. These prices are also subject to variations or uplift in line with the published procurement documentation and contract documents.


Award date

3 days ago

Publish date

2 days ago

Buyer information

Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust

Martin Gibson

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