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21034 Social and Education transport Services Dynamic Purchasing System 2021 (DN559834)



300,000,000 GBP


This DPS is for delivery of home to school and social care transport services. This transport will be for a range of client groups including (but not limited to), pupils (to/from mainstream and special educational needs establishments), children’s social care service users and adult social care service users. These services will be for Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council primarily, though other local authorities and public bodies within Cambridgeshire may also access services. This solution shall offer one Platform to service providers to bid for work for Home to School transport services both mainstream and SEND, Children's social care and Adult social care transport services across the County. The estimated value of the DPS is approximately £30 million per annum, thus representing a total potential value of £300,000,000 over the maximum ten year term. The Dynamic Purchasing system currently operates a weekly onboarding (Fridays at 12:00 round closure), it has been decided that the On-Boarding will move to TWICE a month frequency. This change will take effect from September 2024 with the round closing 6th September, then fortnightly for there in, (to be clear the following one will be 20th September at 12:00). Under the DPS Agreement such is change is allowed, please refer to the Invitation to Participate document on ProContract section Rounds 1.6.17 – 1.6.19 for further information. For any New Operators wishing to join the dynamic Purchase system, will mean that your application will be review following the round closure ONLY TWICE during each month. Please ensure you take this change into account, if you are keen to bid for opportunities advertised under this DPS. For Current Operators this will not have any immediate impact unless you have to update your previous submission. If you wish to make changes to your application, please ensure you have considered that any changes will not be reviewed until the next round closure (every fortnight). Lot 1: Taxis - Up to and Including 8 Seater vehicles For vehicles up to 8 Seaters to provide transport services as required by the DPS. The Dynamic Purchasing system currently operates a weekly onboarding (Fridays at 12:00 round closure), it has been decided that the On-Boarding will move to TWICE a month frequency. This change will take effect from September 2024 with the round closing 6th September, then fortnightly for there in, (to be clear the following one will be 20th September at 12:00). Under the DPS Agreement such is change is allowed, please refer to the Invitation to Participate document on ProContract section Rounds 1.6.17 – 1.6.19 for further information. For any New Operators wishing to join the dynamic Purchase system, will mean that your application will be review following the round closure ONLY TWICE during each month. Please ensure you take this change into account, if you are keen to bid for opportunities advertised under this DPS. For Current Operators this will not have any immediate impact unless you have to update your previous submission. If you wish to make changes to your application, please ensure you have considered that any changes will not be reviewed until the next round closure (every fortnight). Lot 2: Mini Buses up to 17 seats This lot is for Mini buses up to 17 seats for services advertised under this DPS. The Dynamic Purchasing system currently operates a weekly onboarding (Fridays at 12:00 round closure), it has been decided that the On-Boarding will move to TWICE a month frequency. This change will take effect from September 2024 with the round closing 6th September, then fortnightly for there in, (to be clear the following one will be 20th September at 12:00). Under the DPS Agreement such is change is allowed, please refer to the Invitation to Participate document on ProContract section Rounds 1.6.17 – 1.6.19 for further information. For any New Operators wishing to join the dynamic Purchase system, will mean that your application will be review following the round closure ONLY TWICE during each month. Please ensure you take this change into account, if you are keen to bid for opportunities advertised under this DPS. For Current Operators this will not have any immediate impact unless you have to update your previous submission. If you wish to make changes to your application, please ensure you have considered that any changes will not be reviewed until the next round closure (every fortnight). Lot 3: Buses and Coaches greater than 17 Seats This lot is for Buses & Coaches greater than 17 seats for services advertised under this DPS. The Dynamic Purchasing system currently operates a weekly onboarding (Fridays at 12:00 round closure), it has been decided that the On-Boarding will move to TWICE a month frequency. This change will take effect from September 2024 with the round closing 6th September, then fortnightly for there in, (to be clear the following one will be 20th September at 12:00). Under the DPS Agreement such is change is allowed, please refer to the Invitation to Participate document on ProContract section Rounds 1.6.17 – 1.6.19 for further information. For any New Operators wishing to join the dynamic Purchase system, will mean that your application will be review following the round closure ONLY TWICE during each month. Please ensure you take this change into account, if you are keen to bid for opportunities advertised under this DPS. For Current Operators this will not have any immediate impact unless you have to update your previous submission. If you wish to make changes to your application, please ensure you have considered that any changes will not be reviewed until the next round closure (every fortnight). Lot 4: High Dependency (ambulance) vehicles This lot is for High Dependency (ambulance) vehicles for services advertised under this DPS The Dynamic Purchasing system currently operates a weekly onboarding (Fridays at 12:00 round closure), it has been decided that the On-Boarding will move to TWICE a month frequency. This change will take effect from September 2024 with the round closing 6th September, then fortnightly for there in, (to be clear the following one will be 20th September at 12:00). Under the DPS Agreement such is change is allowed, please refer to the Invitation to Participate document on ProContract section Rounds 1.6.17 – 1.6.19 for further information. For any New Operators wishing to join the dynamic Purchase system, will mean that your application will be review following the round closure ONLY TWICE during each month. Please ensure you take this change into account, if you are keen to bid for opportunities advertised under this DPS. For Current Operators this will not have any immediate impact unless you have to update your previous submission. If you wish to make changes to your application, please ensure you have considered that any changes will not be reviewed until the next round closure (every fortnight). Lot 5: Short Notice and Ad hoc Journeys This lot is open to all vehicle classes, though will benefit those who have a flexible and responsive business model as the contracts advertised under this Lot will be of Short Notice and Ad hoc in nature. This lot will be be further divided in to a further 7 sub-lots of the geographical area: a) South Cambridgeshire b) Cambridge City c) Peterborough d) East Cambridgeshire e) Huntingdonshire f) Fenland g) Out of county The Dynamic Purchasing system currently operates a weekly onboarding (Fridays at 12:00 round closure), it has been decided that the On-Boarding will move to TWICE a month frequency. This change will take effect from September 2024 with the round closing 6th September, then fortnightly for there in, (to be clear the following one will be 20th September at 12:00). Under the DPS Agreement such is change is allowed, please refer to the Invitation to Participate document on ProContract section Rounds 1.6.17 – 1.6.19 for further information. For any New Operators wishing to join the dynamic Purchase system, will mean that your application will be review following the round closure ONLY TWICE during each month. Please ensure you take this change into account, if you are keen to bid for opportunities advertised under this DPS. For Current Operators this will not have any immediate impact unless you have to update your previous submission. If you wish to make changes to your application, please ensure you have considered that any changes will not be reviewed until the next round closure (every fortnight).


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Cambridgeshire County Council

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