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Legacy Concrete Roads Reconstruction Framework



968,000,000 GBP


National Highways are proposing to put in place a national framework, the Legacy Concrete Roads Reconstruction (LCRR) framework, that allows the delivery of concrete roads reconstruction schemes. The framework scope for the LCRR framework includes: • design and subsequent construction services for: - demolition of existing concrete pavements, - reconstruction of pavements (including new pavement furniture and markings) • design and delivery of associated temporary traffic management solutions, • when instructed: - involvement in optioneering, - design and construction of alterations to those legacy assets which interface with the replacement pavements’ designs, which may include sub-surface drainage, street furniture and its foundations and signage, - design and construction to replace legacy central reserve with a hardened solution and overlay legacy concrete pavement with a long-life pavement solution (including new pavement furniture and markings), • performing principal designer and principal contractor duties as defined under the “Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015” (“CDM Regulations 2015”) • carbon capture recording and reporting, • recovery, recycling and reuse of arisings during the delivery of a scheme, • engagement with all identified stakeholders, and • identification, recording and realisation of programme efficiencies. The LCRR framework will be six years in duration to ensure alignment to and coverage of the RIS3 funding period (2025-30) but also to overlap with the beginning of RIS4 (2030-35) in case of any delays in approvals of the strategy or funding for RIS4. This alignment of duration with our funding periods is required from a procurement, commercial and operational perspective because it provides greater efficiency and certainty that the strategic plan for which funding is received can be delivered consistently; clarity for future procurements and sufficient time to embed learning, best practice and investment in innovations. From a National Highways perspective, the proposed framework term allows for the RIS4 settlement to be finalised and agreed prior to the LCRR frameworks successor being procured. This will bring certainty of work and value to the future procurement. The procurement documents can be accessed via, under Invitation To Tender 878 (ITT_878). Lot 1: National Highways are proposing to put in place a national framework, the Legacy Concrete Roads Reconstruction (LCRR) framework, that allows the delivery of concrete roads reconstruction schemes. The framework scope for the LCRR framework includes: • design and subsequent construction services for: - demolition of existing concrete pavements, - reconstruction of pavements (including new pavement furniture and markings) • design and delivery of associated temporary traffic management solutions, • when instructed: - involvement in optioneering, - design and construction of alterations to those legacy assets which interface with the replacement pavements’ designs, which may include sub-surface drainage, street furniture and its foundations and signage, - design and construction to replace legacy central reserve with a hardened solution and overlay legacy concrete pavement with a long-life pavement solution (including new pavement furniture and markings), • performing principal designer and principal contractor duties as defined under the “Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015” (“CDM Regulations 2015”) • carbon capture recording and reporting, • recovery, recycling and reuse of arisings during the delivery of a scheme, • engagement with all identified stakeholders, and • identification, recording and realisation of programme efficiencies. The LCRR framework will be six years in duration to ensure alignment to and coverage of the RIS3 funding period (2025-30) but also to overlap with the beginning of RIS4 (2030-35) in case of any delays in approvals of the strategy or funding for RIS4. This alignment of duration with our funding periods is required from a procurement, commercial and operational perspective because it provides greater efficiency and certainty that the strategic plan for which funding is received can be delivered consistently; clarity for future procurements and sufficient time to embed learning, best practice and investment in innovations. From a National Highways perspective, the proposed framework term allows for the RIS4 settlement to be finalised and agreed prior to the LCRR frameworks successor being procured. This will bring certainty of work and value to the future procurement. The procurement documents can be accessed via, under Invitation To Tender 878 (ITT_878).


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2 months ago

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24 days ago

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National Highways Limited


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