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2,350,665.54 GBP


1.1. SPECIFICATION This section seeks to outline a description and scope of requirements for the Supply of Landlord Electricity. For clarity please see detail below: Scope of Services and Specification Summary: • A 12 month contract is required, anticipated to commence on 1st July 2024. • Electricity supply is across multiple tariffs on a flexible priced basis. • Only electricity suppliers licensed by the Northern Ireland Utility Regulator are eligible to make submissions under this tender. • Information on electricity consumption and the number of sites (MPRNs) has been provided by the Association within the Tender package. However, information may be subject to minor changes and consumption may vary. • Additional sites may be added to any contracts during the contract term. • Rates are to be variable with a fixed margin • Prices should be all inclusive with the exception of VAT, which will be added at a rate of 5 percent. • Sites are understood to be exempt from climate change levy. • Group billing must be provided along with an online billing facility / customer portal. • Payments from the Association are expected to be via Direct Debit with terms to be agreed Lot 1: 1.1. SPECIFICATION This section seeks to outline a description and scope of requirements for the Supply of Landlord Electricity. For clarity please see detail below: Scope of Services and Specification Summary: • A 12 month contract is required, anticipated to commence on 1st July 2024. • Electricity supply is across multiple tariffs on a flexible priced basis. • Only electricity suppliers licensed by the Northern Ireland Utility Regulator are eligible to make submissions under this tender. • Information on electricity consumption and the number of sites (MPRNs) has been provided by the Association within the Tender package. However, information may be subject to minor changes and consumption may vary. • Additional sites may be added to any contracts during the contract term. • Rates are to be variable with a fixed margin • Prices should be all inclusive with the exception of VAT, which will be added at a rate of 5 percent. • Sites are understood to be exempt from climate change levy. • Group billing must be provided along with an online billing facility / customer portal. • Payments from the Association are expected to be via Direct Debit with terms to be agreed


Award date

9 months ago

Publish date

9 months ago

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Radius Housing

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