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Integrated Urgent Assessment and Treatment Centre for Hertfordshire and West Essex NHS Integrated Care Board (ICB)



See attached document PIN FINAL 06.06.23 for full details The purpose of this PIN is to inform the market that the Authority has made the decision that working with a collaboration of existing local providers, will be the best solution to provide an affordable, sustainable, and fully Integrated service model in Hertfordshire and West Essex. The Authority and its incumbents will work collaboratively to ensure delivery of the Integrated Urgent Assessment and Treatment Centre Service objectives, standards, and outcomes. Possible provider stakeholders could be, but are not limited to: • Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust • Primary medical care - GP practices and Primary Care Networks, GP Provider Companies/Federations • Herts Urgent Care (HUC) • Essex Partnership University Foundation Trust (EPUT) • Hertfordshire Community Trust (HCT) • East of England Ambulance Service Trust (EEAST) • Essex County Council, Hertfordshire County Council, District Councils • Voluntary sector This arrangement will be contracted via either an Alliance Contract or a Lead Provider arrangement, and by working collectively the providers will achieve better patient outcomes for Hertfordshire and West Essex and will help to facilitate a more integrated, resilient healthcare system. The contracting model will be agreed as part of the due diligence process. The Contract to be entered into by the Authority and the partnership of providers will be the NHS Standard Contract 2023/24, and subsequent revisions thereof. In addition to the NHS Standard Service Contract the providers will be required to agree and sign a Collaborative Agreement with each other and the Authority. The Contract is intended to run for 5 + 2 years commencing on the 01.11.2023. To participate in discussions regarding fulfilling the role of Integrated Urgent Assessment and Treatment Centre Service provider, a provider must: (i) be willing to work with a group of providers as outlined above (PAH and primary care as a minimum) (ii) have previous experience of multi-disciplinary integrated care service delivery, (iii) a willingness to sign up to appropriate system wide outcomes, (iv) have a good understanding of the local system and operating environment, and (v) have the necessary financial capabilities to hold and manage the scale of risk of overspend for the contract and be willing to participate as a part of the wider Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) through taking a degree of income risk share and signing up to an Alliance Agreement with all other key provider stakeholders in the system. The Authority is inviting interested providers who are willing to make the commitment to collaboration in an alliance way of working, and who believe they have the necessary capabilities and experience set out above to respond to the Request for Information (RFI). Additional information: See attached document PIN FINAL 06.06.23 for full details In accordance with Regulation 72 (1) (a) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, the services covered by the arrangement may change and expand as the partnerships develop through a Collaborative Contract. This process is being conducted via the Bravo E-Procurement Portal at Click on 'Register' and follow the on-screen instructions. This PIN is not commencing a competitive process but does not exclude new entrants to the collaborative either via partnering or subcontracting arrangements or the possibility of future procurement. The Authority will conduct a process that complies with the principles of transparency and equal treatment however the Authority is not required (and does not intend) to run the process in accordance with one of the specified procedures in the Regulations (e.g., Restricted, Open etc.). The Authority is, therefore, utilising the flexibilities available to them under the "light touch regime" in conducting this process. The Authority is not liable for any costs incurred by those responding to the PIN or relating RFI.


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2 years ago

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Rod Skinner

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