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HSE 21795 Electronic and Digital Signature Solution for the Health Service Executive.



1,200,000 EUR


The HSE seeks to procure an Electronic and Digital Signature Solution using the Restricted Procedure. The HSE invites Expressions of Interest from suitably qualified service providers of an Electronic and Digital Signature Solution provided as a software as a Service (SaaS) for Stage 1 of this Restricted Procedure tender competition. Candidates should have significant experience in the provision of Electronic and Digital Signature Systems, including within healthcare services and have significant experience of delivering cloud-based services. Candidates must demonstrate their ability to provide an Application Programming Interface (API) function to facilitate easy integration with HSE’s clinical and administration in-house or third-party applications to support electronic and digital signatures within HSE systems and have integration capabilities with industry standard applications such as Microsoft 365. It is a mandatory requirement that the solution will be hosted, backed-up and supported from within the European Economic Area (EEA). The purpose of Stage 1 is to pre-qualify suitably qualified service providers to progress to State 2 of the competition. In Stage 2 of this competition, HSE intends to invite a maximum of 5 pre-qualified Candidates to submit a tender. A full specification of requirements will be provided to shortlisted Candidates in Stage 2 of this competition. For full details please see the Expression of Interest documentation available to download from the Contract Notice published on the eTenders website, , Ref. ID: 4681870


Publish date

4 months ago

Close date

3 months ago

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Health Service Executive (HSE)

Health Service Executive (HSE)

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