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PQ0545 - PfPP Phase 2 Project East Birmingham - AWARD



Loconomy Ltd


155,990 GBP


The Council requires a supplier for the provision of Phase 2 of Partnerships for People and Place (PfPP) East Birmingham. This contract will be for a period of up to 10 months commencing October 2024 until 31/07/2025. The project will fund a community organisation (the awarded service provider) to work in close partnership with the Council to undertake a second-phase pilot and support secondary schools in East Birmingham, providing pupils with meaningful careers support via coach-mentoring, alongside liaison with parents, confidence and aspiration-building activities/events, support for the school for access to visits/placements/work experience and close collaboration with employers. This second phase of the PfPP project will involve intensive work with the Council (and partners if needed) in September and October 2024 to design the research methodology which will determine which schools and pupils will be supported, the design of the programme, data requirements (including data owning and processing responsibilities), and responsible and effective delivery of this phase, which will have an increased emphasis on research and evidencing what works in support of maximising the progression pathways (and minimising the risk of becoming NEET) for young people in East Birmingham. The service provider will: - Support approximately 6 schools and at least 300 secondary-age young people (in year 9 or year 10: to be agreed in the initial research design phase with the target schools). - Collaborate with the schools to identify and engage the young people who meet the Target Cohort criteria - Engagement per pupil - Take part in codesign of all partnerships, documentation, process and procedures - Codesign a set programme of weekly coach-mentor support - Co-design the pupil and parent/carer before-and-after surveys - Engage with the parent/carers - Engage with a range of education providers - Work closely with other services providers in East Birmingham - Provide timely monthly performance against KPIs, data capture and qualitative project updates. The Council will be using its free to use e-tendering system (in-tend) for the administration of this procurement process and potential suppliers must register with the system to be able to express an interest. If you wish to express an interest in this opportunity please click on the following link to access and submit your details to register. You will then be sent details on how to log on which will enable you to download all relevant Invitation to Tender (ITT) documentation. If you are unable to register with In-tend or have any questions or problems on how to use this web site please either email us at: Your completed tender submission should be returned by noon on 30th September 2024 via the 'in-tend' system


Award date

4 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

Birmingham City Council

Commercial and Procurement Services

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