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Victim Services



The Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset wishes to commission Victim Services to support Victims of Crime, Anti-Social Behaviour and Standard Risk Domestic Abuse in Dorset. The service is due to commence 1st April 2025. Lot 1: Services for victims of Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour The OPCC for Dorset wishes to commission services to support victims of crime and anti-social behaviour (ASB). The Services will: - Provide a reliable, effective and satisfactory practical and emotional support service for victims of crime and personal ASB in Dorset. - Work with the Customer to further develop the infrastructure to support victims in Dorset. - Provide feedback from victims on their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour and the Criminal Justice System. - Contribute to the achievement of the Customer's Police and Crime Plan, specifically to put victims and communities first. The outcome for the victim of receiving the Service is that the victim should be able to, as far as possible, cope with and recover from his or her experience of crime or anti-social behaviour. The Service will offer a range of interventions delivered by a suitably broad range of provision / organisations / staff who can efficiently and effectively meet the diverse needs of victims of across Dorset. This diversity may be in the form of protected characteristic, vulnerability, geography or crime type. Lot 2: Services for Victims of Standard Risk Domestic Abuse The OPCC for Dorset wishes to commission services to support victims of standard risk domestic abuse. The Domestic Abuse Act - Part 1, sets out the formal definition of domestic abuse and can be found on the government website Domestic Abuse Act 2021 ( The Services will: - Provide a reliable, effective and satisfactory practical and emotional support service for victims of standard risk domestic abuse in Dorset. - Work with the Customer to further develop the infrastructure to support victims in Dorset. - Provide feedback from victims on their experience of crime or anti-social behaviour and the Criminal Justice System. - Contribute to the achievement of the Customer's Police and Crime Plan, specifically to put victims and communities first. The outcome for the victim of receiving the Service is that the victim should be able to, as far as possible, cope with and recover from his or her experience of standard risk domestic abuse. The Service will offer a range of interventions delivered by a suitably broad range of provision / organisations / staff who can efficiently and effectively meet the diverse needs of victims of across Dorset. This diversity may be in the form of protected characteristic, vulnerability, geography or crime type.


Publish date

7 months ago

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The Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset

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